Application of NMR Technology to Carbonate Reservoirs: Relating Best Flow Characteristics of Depositional, Diagenetic, and Hybrid Pore Types to Their Host Rock, Adams, Aaron J.; Ahr, Wayne M.
Diagenetic Alterations Within Stratigraphic Settings of Orange Basin, Southwestern Atlantic, Adekola, Adeniyi S.; Akinlua, Akinsehinwa; Fadipe, Oluwaseun A
Application of Superheated Water Extraction in Geochemical Evaluation of Source Rocks, Akinlua, Akinsehinwa; Smith, Roger M
Palaeotopography Restoration and Its Importance to Predict Turbidite Reservoirs Distribution Influenced By Salt Movements, Albertao, Gilberto A.; Eschard, Rémi; Mulder, Thierry; Teles, Vanessa; Granjeon, Didier
The Influence of Tectonics, Biota Systems and Diagenetic Fluids in Controlling Carbonate Reservoir Development in the Sarawak Basin, Ali, Mohammad Y.; Johnson, Howard D.; John, Cedric M
Fracture and In-Situ Stress Characterization of the Unayzah-B/C Tight Gas Reservoir, South Haradh, Saudi Arabia, Ameen, Mohammed S.; MacPherson, Keith
Seismic Interpretation and Numerical Modelling of Hydrocarbon Leakage Indicators in the Post-Rift Sequences from the Slope of the Angola Basin, West African Margin, Anka, Zahie; Ondrak, Robert; Clausen, Lene
Fossil Sclereids: A New Tool for High-Resolution Biostratigraphy of Santonian (Upper Cretaceous) Reservoirs of Offshore Southeastern Brazil, Arai, Mitsuru; Duarte, Sarah G.
Reservoir Characterization, Architecture and Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy Framework of the Santonian Section in the Central-North Area of the Santos Basin, Araújo, Armando; Rostirolla, Sidnei; Fernandes, Flavio L.; Zagotto, Eric1 T. T. Gonçalves, Félix
Exploration and Development of Fractured Reservoirs. How Restoration Techniques Can Help Predictions of Fracture Intensity and Orientations in Exploration Frontiers, Araújo, Mario C.; Santarem, Paulo C.; Matos, Gabriel C.; Lima, Rodrigo D.
Turbidite Systems and Their Stratigraphic Evolution in the Oligomiocene and Miocene of Campos Basin – Brazil, Arienti, Luci; Mucelini, Hilario; Gontijo, Rogério C.; Voelcker, Helga Elisabeth
Mud Diapirism Associated to Neotectonic Transcurrent Leaky Faults in the Colombian Caribe — A Pass Way to Hydrocarbon Migration, Aristizábal, Camilo I.; Ferrari, Andre L.; Silva, Cleverson G.
Tectonic Control from Deep-Marine Syn-Rift Deposits: A 3D Seismic Study in the Western VøRing Basin, Offshore Norway, Athmer, Wiebke; Luthi, Stefan M.; Uribe, German A. G.; Donselaar, Marinus E.
Experimental Study from the Effect of Large-Scale Relay Ramps as Pathway for Turbidity Currents, Athmer, Wiebke; Groenenberg, Remco M.; Luthi, Stefan M.
2D Seismic Lines Reprocessing Using Pre-Stack Time Migration: Case Study of the SolimõEs Basin, Avila, Ronan M.; Nascimento, Leo R.
Paleogeographic and Climatic Controls of Rift and Sag Stages in Eastern Brazilian Basins, Azambuja, Nilo C.; Regali, Marilia Neves, Igor
Rift Evolution and Paleogeography of the Greater Campos Basin, Azambuja, Nilo C.; Bender, Andre A.; Schmitt, Priscila1 Mello, Marcio; Catto, Antonio; Barbosa, Mauro; Mio, Eduardo D.
Reduced Uncertainties in Geosteering and Well Placement in Carbonate Reservoirs Through Better Understanding of the Facies and Sedimentology in Real-Time, Bacon, Robert; Berao, Marcus; Lofts, Jeremy; Morris, Stephen
Regional Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of Regional 2D Lines in the Central Santos Basin, Offshore Brazil, Badalini, Gianluca; Brouwer, Friso; Bourque, Renee S.; Blight, Richard; de Bruin, Geert
Regional Stratigraphic Correlation of the Aptian in the Brazilian Equatorial Margin Basins, Bagni, Fabio L.; Caldeira, João L.; Della favera, Jorge C.; Tanaka, Arnaldo; Morais Neto, João Marinho; Paiva, Leticia B.
Structural Style, Petroleum System and Exploration Challenges of the Ne Sabah Basin, Sabah (North Borneo), Malaysia, Balaguru, Allagu
Albertine Graben — What's in Store for the Wider East African Rift System, Western Branch? Baldet, Andrea; Mauron, Philippe; Piperi, Theodhora
Fault Analysis, Stratigraphic Discontinuities and 3D Structural Modelling of Tb-Field, Offshore Niger Delta, Bamidele, Odunayo F.; Ehinola, Olugbenga A.
Upper Jurassic Source Rocks in Ultra-Deepwaters of the Southern Gulf of Mexico: Implications for Petroleum Systems in Mexico’s Offshore Frontier Areas, Bartolini, Claudio; Sánchez Monclú, Alfredo; Vicente Bravo, Jose C.; Miranda Canseco, Ernesto; Navarro Hernández, Rebeca; Ortega González, Vicente; Escalera Alcocer, J. Antonio
Oligocene-Miocene Filling of the Distal Llanos Basin of Colombia; Interaction of Flexural Subsidence, Intraplate Faulting and Dynamic Topography Models, Bayona, German; De Armas, Miguel; Villamarin, Patricia; Mora, Alejandro; Gomez, Elvira; Guerrero, Jairo; Leyva, Ivan; Valencia, Andres
Relating Petroleum System and Play Development to Basin Evolution: Brazilian South Atlantic Margin, Beglinger, Suzanne; Doust, Harry; Cloetingh, Sierd
Paleozoic Basins of Brazil: Challenges and Keys to Unlocking the Hydrocarbon Potential, Belopolsky, Andrei; Moore, Julian; Krassay, Andrew; Pryer, Lynn
Hydrocarbon Migration Model in a Salt Controlled Domain: A Study in the MexilhãO Field Area, Bender, Andre A.; Mio, Eduardo D.
An Igneous Controlled Petroleum System: Estimating Petroleum Generation and Migration of the SolimõEs Basin, Bender, Andre A.; Mello, Marcio; de Azambuja Filho, Nilo C.; Jesus, Carlos L.; Bruno, Priscilla
Post-Mortem Analysis of a Dry Well in Central Santos Basin: A Petroleum System Modeling Approach, Bender, Andre A.; Mello, Marcio; Azambuja, Nilo C.; Jesus, Carlos L.; Mio, Eduardo D.
Quantitative Assessment of Biodegradation in Hydrocarbon Fields of the Cabo Frio Area, Brazil, Bender, Andre A.; Kemna, Hans A.; Mello, Marcio
Rift Heat Flow Evolution of the Santos Basin, Bender, Andre A.; Mello, Marcio; Azambuja, Nilo C.
Oil Shale from the Tremembé Formation, Taubaté Basin, Brazil, Bergamaschi, Sergio; Rodrigues, René; Pereira, Egberto
Forecasting Petroleum Production with a Model Based from Discharge Process, Bettini, Claudio; Silva, Reneu R.
Hydrocarbon Source Maturity Derived from Rank and Micro Constituent of Coals — A Case Study from Krishna-Godavari Basin, East Coast of India, Biswas, Debabrata
The Gulf of Guinea Petroleum Systems Pre-Salt and Post-Salt Dichotomy. Is the Exploration History Completed?, Biteau, Jean-Jacques R.; Choppin de Janvry, Ghislain; de Clarens, Philippe; Jarrige, Jean-Jacques
Conjugate Margin Studies in the South Atlantic, Blaich, Olav A.; Faleide, Jan Inge; Tsikalas, Filippos
Assessing Exploratory Risk by Fault Sealing Behavior Analysis of Rift Siliciclastic Sequences Potiguar Basin, NE Brasil, Borges, Wellington R.; Mascarenhas Aguiar, Luis A.; Soares, Ubiraci M.; Matos, Gabriel C
Analysis of Recent Microbialites from the Coastal Lagoons of Rio De Janeiro State (Brazil) from Biosedimentological and Geomicrobiological Perspectives, Borghi, Leonardo
The Aptian in the Onshore Basins of Northeastern Brazil: Pre-Salt Analogues?, Borghi, Leonardo; Mendes, Marcelo S.; de Moura, Max V.; Paula-Freitas,
B L.; Freitas, Ricardo M.
Structural History and the Pre-Salt Play of the Officer Basin, South Australia, Boult, Peter J.; Bennett, Paul J.; Freeman, Annelsie
Lithocodium-Bacinella Binding of Sub-Basin-Wide Resedimented Deposits in the Oae1a Coeval Aptian Succession of the Western Maestrat Basin (Iberian Chain, Spain), Bover-Arnal, Telm; Salas, Ramon; Martín-Closas, Carles Moreno-Bedmar, Josep A. Bitzer, Klaus
Outcrop-Scale Identification of Forced and Normal Regressive Deposits in Carbonate Systems: From Aptian Example from the Western Maestrat Basin (Iberian Chain, Spain), Bover-Arnal, Telm; Salas, Ramon; Moreno-Bedmar, Josep A.; Bitzer, Klaus
Sedimentary Evidence of Uppermost Early Aptian Sea Level Fluctuations of Glacio-Eustatic Magnitude in the Western Maestrat Basin (Iberian Chain, Spain), Bover-Arnal, Telm; Salas, Ramon; Moreno-Bedmar, Josep A.; Clavera-Gispert, Roger; Bitzer, Klaus; García-Sellés, David
Offshore Exploration Opportunities in Brazil, Boyd, Kevin; Alexander, C. Shafe
A BG Perspective of Giant Fields, Past Present and Future, Brown, Malcolm
New Answers to Ancient Questions from the Lower Cretaceous Petroleum Systems of Onshore Alagoas Sub-Basin, Bruno, Priscilla; Bender, André A.; Mello, Marcio; Barbosa, Mauro
Petroleum System Overview of São Francisco Basin: ANew Gas Province Onshore Brazil, Bruno, Priscilla; Mio, Eduardo D.; Mello, Marcio
First Microseismic Acquisition in South America — Lajas Tight Gas Project - Neuquén, Argentina, Buhler, Gustavo M.; d'Huteau, Emmanuel; Peñacorada, Fabio; Exler, Ariel
Case Study: Impacts of TTI PSDM Reprocessing from the Preparation and Drilling of the Pazflor Development Wells, Bullen, Michael; Charles, Thierry; Giriansyah, Bayu
Prediction of High-Producing Accumulation of Super-Tight Sandstone Reservoir in Upper Triassic in Sichuan Basin of China, Cai, Xiyuan; Yang, Keming
Diachronous Rift System Along Bahia State Coast — From Example of Extended Crust and Mantle Exhumation in the South Atlantic Ocean, Caixeta, José M.; Ferreira, Talles S.; Lima, Fabrizio D.; Francisco, Claudir; Dias, Anna Eliza S.
Kinematic Reconstitution and Tectono-Sedimentation Associated to Salt Domes in Deepwater of Santos Basin, Brazil, Caldas, Manuela F.; Zalán, Pedro V.
Possibilities to Increase the Recovery Factor in Petromonagas Area, Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, Venezuela, Calvo, Arturo
Geological Modeling of the Offshore Orange Basin, West Coast of South Africa, Campher, Curnell J.; Kulmann, Geza; di Primio, Rolando; van der Spuy, Dave; Domoney, Reginald
Depositional History of the Taranaki Basin, New Zealand: Linking Sediment Accumulation and Subsidence Rates to Tectonic Processes, Cardona, Paola A.
Local Grid Refinement in Basin Modelling — What for?, Carpentier, Bernard; Pegaz-Fiornet, Sylvie; Wolf, Sylvie; Kowalewski, Isabelle
Advanced Compositional Gradient Analysis, Cañas, Jesus A.; Pop, Julian1 Dubost, Francois; Pomerantz, Drew; Mullins, Oliver
Visualization of Geological Features Using Seismic Volume Rendering, RGB Blending and Geobody Extraction, Chaves, Michelle U.; Oliver, Flavio
Integrated Interpretation of Borehole Images to Characterize the Pore Space and Permeability in Carbonate Reservoirs: Case Studies from Indonesia and USA, Chitale, Vivek D.; Quirein, John; Iyer, Shrinivasan; Roy, Ananda; Sutiyono, Sigit
New Integrated Formation Evaluation Technique to Meet the Unique Petrophysical Challenge Posed By Laminated Anisotropic Shaly Sand Reservoirs: A Case History from Mexico, Chitale, Vivek D.; Quirein, John; Martinez, Erik; Pacheco, Erick; Escamilla, Gelmunt; Aguayo, Heriberto Córdova; Cadena Gonzalez, Jose Aaron; Monjaras, José Bernal; Martinez, Ricardo Garrido
Reducing the Errors and Uncertainties in the Petrophysical Analysis of Well Logs from Shaly Sand Reservoirs by Applying New Clay Typing Techniques, Chitale, Vivek D.
A Step Back: Integrating Tectonics and Geochemistry to Evaluate Future Pre-Salt Hydrocarbon Systems Along Offshore Brazil- Predicting the Future?, Clegg, Heather; Otto, Simon
Compressional Reactivation, Atlantic Margin of Brazil: Consequences for Hydrocarbon Exploration, Cobbold, Peter R.; Chiossi, Dario; Green, Paul F.; Japsen, Peter; Bonow, Johan
Detecting Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways in Seismic Data from the Brazilian South Atlantic Margin, Connolly, David L.; Catto, Antonio J.; Schmitt, Priscila
Morphometric Analyses and Habitat Characterization of a Deepwater Carbonate Depositional Environment, Correa, Thiago B.; Eberli, Gregor P.; Grasmueck, Mark; Verwer, Klaas
Patterns of Growth Sedimentation in the Fold-and-Thrust Belts of the Deepwater Niger Delta and Offshore Brazil, Corredor, Freddy
Salt Tectonics in Central-North Part of the Santos Basin, Brazil, Corrêa, Fernando S.; Chang, Hung K.; Letouzey, Jean
Tectonics, Salt Tectonics and Sedimentation in the Northern Crotone Basin (Italy), Costa, Elisabetta; Dominici, Rocco; Lugli, Stefano
Improvement of the Velocity Model Accuracy in from Ultra-Deepwater Oil Field Using Geostatistic Method, Costa, Flaviana A.; Loureiro, Elaine Maria L
High Definition Erosional Map from RecôNcavo Basin, Brazil — A New Approach Based from Old Concepts, Coutinho, Luiz Felipe C.
Turbidite Systems in Brazil — Stratigraphy and Depositional Architecture, d'Avila, Roberto; Arienti, Luci; Aragão, Maria Alice; Vesely, Fernando F.; Santos, Saulo; Voelcker, Helga Elisabeth; Viana, Adriano R.; Kowsmann, Renato O.; Moreira, Jobel L.; Coura, Ana Paula P.; Paim, Paulo S.; Solagaistua, Renata; Machado, Luis Claudio R.
Rich — A Revolutionary New Technology for Developing New Plays in Mature Basins, Dahl, Jeremy E.; Bender, Andre; Moldowan, J. M.; Mello, Marcio R.
Caioba Formation: Proposal of a New Stratigraphic Unit for the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Sergipe State, Brazil, Dal Cere, P.; Koga, F.; Esteves, F.; Bagni, O.; Favera, Jorge D.; Leonel, Bruno; Leão, Joana G.
Clay Mineral Distribution and Grain Coating Pattern in Ravenglass Estuary Sediments, Daneshvar, Ehsan; Worden, Richard H.
Problematic Interpretation of Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Facies of Rajamandala Limestone, Padalarang, West Java, Indonesia, Darussalam, Noeradi D.; Sapiie, Benyamin; Dwiharso, Nugroho; Maryunani, Khoiril A.; Simo, Tony
Role of Clay Diagenesis in Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Shale Reservoirs of Sanand Field, Cambay Basin, Gujarat, India: A Case Study, Das, Kamal K.; Jagtap, Bharti; Srivastava, J. K.; Satyarthi, Sanjiv; Niranjan, Neelam
Sensitivity Analysis of Multi Source-Rock Petroleum Systems by Using a Stochastic Basin Modeling Approach: From Example from the Norwegian Barents Sea, Daszinnies, Matthias C.; Inthorn, Maik; Ritter, Ulrich; Weiss, Hermann; Nielsen, Jesper; Tømmerås, Are
Basin Scale Typing of Deepwater Sediments, Dattilo, Paolo
Geology and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Argentine Atlantic Margin, Davison, Ian1 Anderson, Lee; Gormly, Piers; Nutall, Peter
Geometry and Facies Distribution of the Greater Brazilian Salt Basin, Davison, Ian; Anderson, Lee; Nutall, Peter
Changing Paradigms in the Petroleum Exploration of the Deep-Water Area Offshore Namibia, de Azambuja Filho, Nilo C.; Mello, Marcio1 Bender, Andre A.; Schmitt, Priscila
Early Permian Chronostratigraphic Correlation Between Paraná and Tasman Basins, Southern Gondwana, de Castro, Joel C.; Tognoli, Francisco M.; Weinschütz, Luiz C.
Integrated Petrographic, Stratigraphic and Statistical Analysis of Complex Albian Reservoirs in the EspíRito Santo Basin, Eastern Brazil, De Ros, Luiz F.; Goldberg, Karin; Scherer, Claiton1 Kuchle, Juliano; Estima de Castro, Eduardo S.; Abel, Mara
Ranking of Possible Processes Leading to Heavy Oil Zones by Basin and Petroleum Systems Modeling — A Kuwait Case Study, Derks, Jan F.; Al-Saeed, Mariam; Al-Quattan, Mishari; Al-Hajeri, Mubarak; Fuchs, Thomas; Kauerauf, Armin; Swientek, Oliver
NMR Data Integration for Improved Reservoir Fluid Contact Prediction: Case Study (Murzuq Basin - Libya), Dessay, Jack; Perona, Ricardo; Sweed, Mohamed; Gonzalez Muñoz, Jose Maria; Suarez Alba, Jaime; Tawengi, Khaeri
Shaken, Not Stirred: Oil Family Cocktails in Brazil Margin Basins, with and Without Salt, Dickson, William; Schiefelbein, Craig F.; Odegard, Mark E.
Rock Physics Modeling as a Tool to Improve Interpretation from Tight Gas Sands Reservoirs, Dillon, Lucia D.; Schwedersky, Guenther; Nunes, Cassiane; Justen, Julio; Abreu, Elita
Predicting the Brittle-Ductile (B-D) Transition in Continental Crust Through Deep, Long Offset, Prestack Depth Migrated (PSDM), 2D Seismic Data, Dinkelman, Menno G.; Granath, James; Bird, Dale; Helwig, James; Kumar, Naresh; Emmet, Pete
Fluid Kinematics in the Stepwise Fill and Spill of Oil in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs Observed Using Fluid Inclusions in Reservoir Grains, Eadington, Peter J.; Kempton, Richard; Bourdet, Julien; Volk, Herbert
Sequence Stratigraphic Architecture of the Sedimentary Succession in the South-Eastern Sedimentary Basin: A Potential for Energy Exploration and Development, Egbu, Ogechi C.; Obi, Gordian C.; Nwajide, Sunny C.; Okogbue, Celestine O.
The Palaeoenvironmental Significance of Pyritic Nodules from Lokpanta Oil Shale Interval in the Petroleum System of Lower Benue Trough, Nigeria, Ehinola, Olugbenga A.; Shengfei, Qin; Onibonoje, Akin A.
Geochemistry and Environmental Appraisal of Some Selected Coals from Nigeria, Ehinola, Olugbenga A.; Liu, Qing-Yang
Pre-Salt Structural High in the Jequitinhonha Basin, Offshore Bahia State, Estrela Braga, José Ayrton; Karam, Márcia; Porto, Roberto; Romão Barbuto Dias, Felipe
Predicting Sand Effect from Pressure Drop in Gas Flow in from Inclined Pipeline, Etaje, Darlington; Adekomaya, Olufemi A.
Case Studies Confirm Downhole Sensor Measurements and Verify Sample Quality Using New Non-Invasive Sample Testing Method, Eyuboglu, Sami; Pelletier, Mickey; Rourke, Marvin; van Zuilekom, Tony; Saghiyyah, George; Mulyo, Witjaksono M.; Silva, Andre; Palmer, Richard
Modeling Elemental Sulphur Saturation Around the Wellbore, Fadairo, Adesina S.; Ako, Churchill; Isiramen, Oseme; Falode, Olugbenga
Depositional Facies, Diagenesis and Their Impact from the Reservoir Quality of the Lower Cretaceous Sandstone, Orange Basin, Offshore, South Africa, Fadipe, Oluwaseun A.; Akinlua, Akinsehinwa; Mikes, Daniel; Adekola, Adeniyi S.
Incorporating Lateral Deformation and Modeling Fault Impact in Quantitative Petroleum Systems Evaluation, Faille, Isabelle; Traby, Renaud, Arbeaumont, Arnaud; Laigle, Jean-Marie
Salt Provinces Offshore Brazil and West Africa — Regional Seismic Lines, Fainstein, Roberto; Mohriak, Webster U.; Rasmussen, Bjorn A.
New Opportunities Identified from Improved Imaging of a Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Labarge, Wyoming — A Case Study, Feeley, Mary H.
Controls from the Formation and Evolution of the Nonmarine Songliao Basin, Northeast China, Feng, Zhiqiang; Jia, Chengzao; Zhang, Shun; Feng, Zihui; Zheng, Min
The Application of Inverse Modeling to Remove the Gravity Effect of Salt Structures Along the Brazilian Southeastern Marginal Basins, Fernandes, Flavio L.; Rostirolla, Sidnei; T. T. Gonçalves, Félix; Bedregal, Ricardo
Source Rock Characterization and 2D Petroleum System Modeling in the Southern Espirito Santo Basin, Ferreira, Daniella; Lemgruber, Adriana; T. T. Gonçalves, Félix; Felix, Luciana; Fernandes, Flávio
Characteristics of the Free Surface Multiple Attenuation Using Wave Field Extrapolation, Ferreira, Patrícia P.; Cetale Santos, Marco Antonio; Landau, Luiz
Coral Field: Case History in Oil Producing Albian Carbonates in Santos Basin, Brazil, Figueiredo, Luiz Fernando; Karam, Márcia
Multi-Phase Flow Properties of Fault Rocks: Implications Prediction of Across-Fault Flow During Production, Fisher, Quentin; Al Hinai, Suleiman; Grattoni, Carlos A.; Guise, Phil
Streamlining Seismic Interpretation Through Visualisation and Analysis, Freeman, Stephen R.; Harris, Simon D.; Wood, Kevin; Knipe, Rob J.
Agate As from Analog for Porosity Preserving Microquartz in Deep Clastic Reservoirs, French, Marsha W.; Worden, Richard H.; Lee, David R.; Lamberti, William A.; Horn, William C.
Hypothesis: Significant Erosion During the Middle Miocene Unconformity Age and Its Effect from Hydrocarbon Generation in the Gulf of Thailand, Fujiwara, Masashi
Intra-Slope Northwest-Trending Lineaments and Geologic Implications in the Central Campos Basin, Offshore Brazil, Gao, Dengliang; Seidler, Lars; Quirk, David; Bissada, Mona; Farrell, Michael; Hsu, Daniel
Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Vaupes-Amazonas Basin Colombia, Garcia-Gonzalez, Mario; Mier, Ricardo; Cruz, Luis; Penafort, Cristian
Geochemical Modeling of the Rancheria Basin, Colombia, Garcia-Gonzalez, Mario; Torres, Emilio J.; Vasquez, Mauricio; Joppen, Thorsten
Syn-Rift Sedimentation and Timing of Continental Break-Up of Santos and Campos Basins, Brazil, Gardiner, Wayne; Tudoran, Andrei; Karner, Garry; Johnson, Chris; Norton, Ian
Source Rock Evaluation and Maturity Modeling, Tatau Province, Offshore Sarawak, Malaysia, Gebregergis, Tedros M. Wan Yusoff, Wan
Structural Style and Its Role in Diagenesis of the Sergi Formation, Camamu Basin, Brazil, Geetan, Steve I.; Handley, Glenn; Versfelt, Joseph W.
Forecasting Reservoir Potential in Cretaceous Rift Basins of the South Atlantic Using Forward Stratigraphic Modeling, Gerber, Thomas P.; Francis, Jason M.; Perlmutter, Martin A.; Buursink, Marc L.; Granjeon, Didier
Monitoring Changes to Fault Transmissibility During Clay Smear Development in Direct Shear Experiments of Clastic-Argillaceous Sequences, Giger, Silvio; Ter Heege, Jan H.; Clennell, Michael B.; Ciftci, Bozkurt; Delle Piane, Claudio; Wassing, Brecht B.; Clark, Peter; Harbers, Craig; Beekman, Fred; Yamasaki, Tadashi
Structuring the Exploration Process of Vale E&P: The Use of Integrated Multidisciplinary Modeling and Geologic Risk Assessment, Gonçalves, Félix; Rostirolla, Sidnei; Fernandes, Flavio L.
Palaeogeography of a Mid-Miocene Turbidite Complex, Moki Formation, Southern Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, Grain, Sarah1 King, Peter Atkins, Cliff
Basement Controls from the Distribution and Geometry of Salt Structures in the Central-Eastern Gulf of Mexico, Grando, Gianluca; Borges Daudt, José Alfredo; Oliveira, João Alberto B.; Bartman, Robert
Multiphase Flow Properties of Clay Bearing Rocks: Laboratory Measurement of Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure, Grattoni, Carlos A.; Guise, Phil; Fisher, Quentin; Knipe, Rob J.
Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation Along Eastern Margin in Gamij Area of Cambay Basin, Gujarat, India, Grover, Raju
Shale Dependent Sediment Compaction Model Implemented in a Pressure Basin Simulator; Effects from Geo-Model and Modelled Pressure Build Up?, Grøver, Arnt; Borge, Hans; Lothe, Ane E.
Role of Halokinesis in the Evolution of the Cabo Frio Fault and the Ilha Grande Gravitational Cell in the Santos Basin, Brazil: Insights from Multi-Section Balanced Restoration, Guerra, Marta; Underhill, John R.
Structural Development and Depositional History of the Lower Congo and Kwanza Basins Salt Tectonic Province, Angola, Guevara, Mary; Hawkins, Lisa; Joaquim, Lourenco; Johnstone, David; Jones, William; Jose, Jose G.; Oliveira, Arantes
Paleo-Fluid Flows and Present Hydrodynamic Conditions Improved by Basin Modeling Integrating Salinity Transport, Guichet, Xavier; Wolf, Sylvie; Pandi, Romuald
Diagenetic Facies in Lacustrine Carbonates: Implications for Brazilian Pre-Salt Reservoirs, Guidry, Sean A.; Trainor, Dwight1 Helsing, Carl E.; Ritter, Audrey L.
Advanced Geophysical Methods for the Exploration and Characterization of Prospects and Fields in Deepwater Angola, Guilbot, Jerome; Desrousseaux, Gaetan; Stankoff, Maud
3D Source-Rock Modelling of the Espirito Santo Basin, Brazil, Guzzo, Jarbas; Mann, Ute; Felix, Maarten; Majewska-Bill, Monika
Temporal and Spatial Evolution of a Shelf to Toe-of-Slope System, Santos Basin Brazil — A High-Resolution Seismic-Stratigraphic and -Geomorphic Case Study, Hadler-Jacobsen, Frode; Groth, Audun; Serrano, Ana; Heieren, Kristina; Liestøl, Frode M.
The Integration of Structural Uncertainty into Fault Seal Predictions, Harris, Simon D.; Freeman, Stephen R.; Knipe, Rob J.
Risk Analysis of Unconventional Plays, Haskett, William J.
Operational and Business Efficiency in Unconventional Projects, Haskett, William J.; Jenkins, Creties; Walls, Joel D.
Work Processes to Mitigate Interpretation Pitfalls in Complex Imaging Environments, Helsing, Carl E.; Trainor, Dwight
Paleogeographic Mapping of the South Atlantic: Jurassic Through Albian Evolution, Henry, Steven G.; Danforth, Al; Kumar, Naresh; Venkatraman, Sujata
3D Interpretation of a Meteorite Impact Field, Red Wing Creek Field, Williston Basin, Western North Dakota, Herber, Benjamin; Weimer, Paul; Barton, Roger; Hammon, William
The Use of DNA Analyses Moving into Petroleum Exploration, Herdeiro, Ricardo; Elias, Vladimir; Barbanti, Silvana; Souza, Diogo
Enigmatic Brushy, Cherry & Bell Canyon Formations (Permian), Marathon Foreland Basin, USA: Poor Outcrop Analogs for Deep-Sea-Turbidite Reservoirs, Higgs, Roger
Famous "Fine-Grained Turbidite" Outcrops (Ireland, South Africa, USA): Reinterpreted as Lake-Shelf Hyperpycnites, Unsuitable as Deep-Sea Reservoir Analog, Higgs, Roger
Why Do Siliciclastic Shelves Exist? How Do They Differ from "Ramp Margins"? New Sequence Stratigraphic Aspects Vital for Petroleum Exploration, Higgs, Roger
Pushing the Limits: Putting Seismic to Work from the Brazil BC-10 Ostra Field Development, Holmes, Gunnar E.; Stewart, Gregory L.
Coal-Bed Methane Potential of Qinshui Basin, Shanxi, China, Huang, Xiaoming; Zhang, Li; Jia, Gaolong; Wang, Yanfang
Pre-Salt Depth Imaging of Santos Basin, Brasil, Huang, Yan; Lin, Dechun; Bai, Bing; Richardez, Cesar
Suriname Offshore — The Not-So-Passive Margin?, Huisman, Erik
Sequence Stratigraphy of Triassic Jilh Formation in Kuwait, Husain, Riyasat; Sajer, Abdul Aziz; Al-Ammar, Nada; Khan, Dabeer A.; Rabie, Ahmed; Iqbal, Mohammed K.
Complexity of Silica Diagenetic Reaction Zones from the Basin Scale, Ireland, Mark T.; Davies, Richard J.; Goulty, Neil R.
A Sequence Stratigraphic Correlation Across the Conjugate Margins of South America and Sub-Saharan Africa and Its Implications for Petroleum Exploration, James, Richard S.; Durtnell, Katherine
Burial, Uplift and Exhumation History of the Atlantic Margin of NE Brazil, Japsen, Peter; Bonow, Johan; Green, Paul F.; Cobbold, Peter R.; Chiossi, Dario; Lilletveit, Ragnhild
Basement Geology and Structural Modeling of the Santos Basin Pre-Salt, Brazil: "Bottom-Up," Predictive Basin Analysis, Jensen, Luke A.; Teasdale, Jon P.
Modeling Hydrocarbon Generation and Migration in a Rift Basin: Discussion of Complex Non-Conventional Petroleum Systems in the Miranga Low (RecôNcavo, Brazil), Jesus, Carlos L.; Bender, André A.; Barbosa, Mauro; Schmitt, Priscila
Sensitivity Analysis of Thermal and Hydraulic Properties and Their Impact from Petroleum Systems: Example from a Brazilian Case Study, Jesus, Carlos L.; Bender, André A.; Soares, Yara N.
The Potential for New Discoveries of Oil and Gas in the Shallow Waters of the Campos Basin, Brazil, Jones, Cleveland M.; Chaves, Hernani Aquini F.; Dourado, José Diamantino A.
Gas Hydrates and Microbiological Processes, Jones, Cleveland M.; Dourado, José Diamantino A.; Chaves, Hernani Aquini F.
The Subsalt Play in the Lower Congo and Kwanza Basins, Angola: A Seismic Study, Jones, William; Guevara, Mary; Hawkins, Lisa; Joaquim, Lourenco; Johnstone, David; Jose, Jose G.; Oliveira, Arantes
3D Structural Restoration for Palinspastic Reservoir Modelling in the Lower Congo Basin, Angola, Kloppenburg, Armelle; Clausen, Lene F.; Bischke, Richard (Dick); Schleder, Zsolt; Polanco-Ferrar, Rosa
Reducing Uncertainty in Subsalt Interpretation: A Non-Seismic View from Integration, Krieger, Markus H.; Geisler, Oliver
The Emerging Deepwater Province of Northwest Egypt, Krois, Peter; Hannke, Katie; Novotny, Bernhard; Bayoumi, Tarek; Hussein, Hussein; Tari, Gabor
Seismic Imaging of South Atlantic Continent-Ocean Boundary Through Deep, Long Offset, Prestack Depth Migrated (PSDM), 2D Seismic Data, Kumar, Naresh; Henry, Steve; Danforth, Al; Nutall, Peter; Venkataraman, Sujata
S. Atlantic Plate Reconstruction Constrained Using Crustal Thickness and Oct Location Derived from Gravity Inversion: Implications for the Santos-Campos Brazilian Rifted Margin Segments, Kusznir, Nick; Torsvik, Trond H.
Uncertainty Analysis of Reservoirs from Meandering Fluvial Systems Using Multiple Point Stochastic Simulation: Mina El Carmen Formation, San Jorge Gulf Basin, Argentina, Larriestra, Claudio N.; Gomez, Hugo
Massive Dolomitization of a Pinnacle Reef in the Lowermost Devonian West Point Formation (Québec - Canada) — From Extreme Case of Hydrothermal Dolomitization Through Fault-Controlled Circulation of Magmatic Fluids, Lavoie, Denis; Chi, Guoxiang; Urbatsch, Misty; Davis, W. J.
*Geological Survey of Canada Quantitative Assessment of the Hydrocarbon Resource in the Paleozoic Frontier Basins of Eastern Canada, Lavoie, Denis; Pinet, Nicolas; Dietrich, Jim; Hannigan, Peter; Castonguay, Sébastien; Hamblin, Tony; Giles, Peter
Facies Simulation and Seismic Inversion Techniques Applied to a 2D Petroleum System Modeling in the Espírito Santo Basin, Lemgruber, Adriana; Gonçalves, Felix T T.; Loures, Luiz; Fernandes, Flávio; Medeiros, Luana; Felix, Luciana
Physical Modeling of Fluid Overpressure and Compaction During Hydrocarbon Generation in Source Rock of Low Permeability, Lemrabott, Ahmed; Cobbold, Peter R.
Aptian Sequence Stratigraphy of the Southeastern Border of the Potiguar Basin, Rio Grande Do Norte, Brazil, Comprising Several “Pre-Salt” Oil and Gas Occurrences, Leonel, Bruno; Carvalho, R.; Paiva, R.; Favera, Jorge D.; Leão, Joana G.; Dal Cere, P.
Merging Geology and Geophysics with Emerging Techniques in Subsalt Imaging, Lewis, Jennifer L.; Eisenberg, Richard; Blumenthal, Errol
Prestack Depth Migration from the Frade Field for High-Resolution Subsurface Characterization: From Evergreen Process from Appraisal Through Production, Lewis, Jennifer L.; Dixon, Mark; Garrity, John; Bergeron, Jeffrey
Important Early Cretaceous (Barremian) Sublacustrine Channel-Levee Reservoir, Taquipe Formation, Southwest Reconcavo Basin, Bahia, Brazil, Leão, Joana G.; Monteiro, D.; Bagni, O.; Amorim, A.; Favera, Jorge D.; Leão, Joana G., Dal Cere, P.
Assessing Fault Hydraulic Behavior Through Analytical/Numerical Modeling of the Interaction Between Fault History and Present-Day Stresses (Trafur Project, Univ. Roma Tre & Petrobras), Lima, Claudio C.; Salvini, Francesco; Moriss, Mathieu; Cabral, Leonardo
The Role of Compressional Horizontal Stresses (σ1=SHmax) in the Evolution of the Potiguar Basin (NE Brazil) and the Age of Trap Formation for Its Main Reservoir (Açu Fm), Lima, Claudio C.; Pessoa, Otaviano; Vasconcelos, Paulo; Carmo, Isabela O.; Da Guia Lima, Maria; Balsamo, Fabrizio
Porosity Determination by 3D High-Resolution X-Ray Computed Microtomography and Its Correlation with Gas Adsorption Technique, Lima, Inaya; Oliveira, Milena; Rocha, Paula; Souza, Francisco; Abreu, Carlos J.; Lopes, Ricardo
Use of SAR Images for Seepage Slick Detection in the Offshore Portion of the Camamu-Almada Basin (Bahia State), Brazil, Lima, Sylvia C.; Landau, Luiz; Miranda, Fernando P.
Improve Subsalt Image with Wide Azimuth Data in the Gulf of Mexico, Lin, Dechun
The Early Cretaceous Rift and Sag Phases in the Offshore Basins of Brazil and Uruguay: How Much in Common?, Lopez-Gamundi, Oscar R.; Rossello, Eduardo A.; de Santa Ana, Héctor
Structural and Tectonic Evolution of the Garoua Basin in Cameroon, Central Africa, as Derived from Geological and Seismic Data, Loule, Jean-Pierre; Fofang, Nicholas Ndeh; Lumbomil, Pospisil
Tight Gas Reservoir Properties Inference from AVO and Rock Physics Analysis, Loures, Luiz; Rostirolla, Sidnei; Pereira, Edinei; Zagotto, Eric
Rock Physics and Reservoir Inference Study from Cretaceous Sandstones from Espirito Santos Basin, Brazil, Loures, Luiz; Pereira, Edinei; Fernandes, Flávio; Felix, Luciana
Yuanba Gas Field: A New Discovery in NE Sichuan Basin, SW China, Ma, Yongsheng; Cai, Xiyuan; Guo, Xusheng
Basement-Cored Uplifts Related to Meso-Cenozoic Tectonism in the Amazonas and Solimões Basins - Northern Brazil, Maas, Marcus V.
South Atlantic Deepwater Reservoirs: Responses to Tectonic, Climatic and Eustatic Controls from Two Not-So-Passive Margins, Macgregor, Duncan
The Pre-Salt Sequence of Ultra-Deep Water Santos Basin: Geological Aspects and Key Factors Controlling the Major Oil Accumulations, Machado, Marco Antonio P.; Moraes, Marcos Francisco B.; Gamboa, Luiz Antonio P.; Gil, João A.; Paula, Lemuel de; Silveira, Desiderio P.; Wolff, Breno
Diagenesis and Reservoir Characterization of Miocene Carbonate (Ratnagiri Formation) in Deep Continental Shelf Area of Mumbai Offshore Basin, India, Mahanti, Syamalendu; Uppal, Surinder; Tirkey, Prabha Kanti
Use of Fundamental Geological Knowledge in a Revisit of the Algoa and Gamtoos Basins, Offshore South Africa, Malan, Jean; Leso, Koena; Beckering Vinckers, Jan
Use of Sequence Stratigraphy as a Key Element in the Design of from Exploration Strategy for Microbial Buildups, Mancini, Ernest A.
The Added Value of Quantitative Seismic Integration in 3D Prediction of Petrophysical Properties and Facies. A Case History from Tunisian Ghadames Basin, Marini, Alfonso I.; Di Prete, Francesco
The Evolution of the South Atlantic Hinterlands from the Late Jurassic to Recent: Mapping Stage Level Changes in Source-to-Sink Relationships, Markwick, Paul; Raddadi, Mohamed; Raynham, Lauren; Tomlinson, Steve; Edgecombe, Emma; Rowland, Dennis; Bailiff, Robert; Galsworthy, Amanda; Wrobel, Neil
Levantine Basin Petroleum Systems: A Regional 2-D Basin Modeling Study, Marlow, Lisa; Wattrus, Nigel; Swenson, John; Kendall, Christopher; Kornpihl, Kristijan (Duplo)
Description of Geometries in Fault Shadow Pitfall as Result of Geological and Geophysical Properties, Martinez, Nhora M.; Agudelo, William M
Borehole Electrical Imagery — A Powerful Tool in Complex Reservoir Characterization, Martinez, Ruben A.; Nieves, Israel; Frass, Manfred; Rincon, Claudio; Piedrahita, Jaime
The Neoproterozoic São Francisco Basin, Eastern Brazil, Geologic Evolution and Petroleum System, Martins-Neto, Marcelo
Cause-and-Effect Relationship Between Discontinuities of the Continental Crust and Oceanic Fracture Zones in Marginal Sedimentary Basins, Martins-Neto, Marcelo
The Impact of Geologic Uncertainties in 3D Petroleum Systems Modeling: A Study in the Campos Basin (Brazil), Mavridou, Evangelia1 Bender, André A.; Mello, Marcio
Interpretation and Modeling of Structurally Complex Eocene La Paz and Oligocene Mugrosa Fluvial Sandstone Reservoirs, Yarigui-Cantagallo Field, Middle Magdalena Basin, Colombia, SA, May, Michael; Brinton, Lise; Arestad, John; McKamey, Keith; Keay, James; Kisselman, David; Lara, Aurelio
The Discovery of High-Saturation Gas Hydrate Sands in the Gulf of Mexico — Results from Leg II Joint Industry Project Drilling, McConnell, Daniel R.; Boswell, Ray; Jones, Emrys; Collett, Timothy; Frye, Matt; Shedd, William; Hutchinson, Deborah; Mrozewski, Stephan; Guerin, Gilles; Cook, Ann; Dufrene, Rebecca; Godfriaux, Paul
Reservoir Characterization of the Upper Cretaceous and Eocene Plays in the Central Espirito Santo Basin, Medeiros, Luana K.; Fernandes, Flavio L.; Araújo, Armando; Gonçalves, Felix T T.
Surface Monitoring of Injected CO2 in the Buracica Field Area, Reconcavo Basin, Brazil, Mello, Carlos B.; Gonçalves, Ronaldo C.; Miller, Dennis J.; Dino, Rodolfo; Magnier, Caroline; Rouchon, Virgile
The Super Giant Sub-Salt Hydrocarbon Province of the Greater Campos Basin, Mello, Marcio; Azambuja, Nilo C.; Mio, Eduardo D.; Schmitt, Priscila; Bender, Andre A.
Surface Gas Composition and Carbon Isotope Geochemistry and SARD-DNA Microbiology Applied to Reduce Petroleum Exploration Risk from Onshore Basins of Brazil, Mello, Marcio R.; Catto, Antonio J.; Elias, Vladimir; Azambuja, Nilo C.
New Technologies Applied to Well Drilling Evaluation Using High-Resolution Oil and Gas Biomarker and Isotopic Logging (HRGWD): Examples from Offshore Brazil, Mello, Marcio; Elias, Vladimir; Brooks, Paul J.; Takaki, Tikae; Barbanti, Silvana; Xu, Paul
Quantitative Chemostratigraphy: A New Approach for Processing and Analysis of Geochemical Data, Melo, Dean P.; Capistrano, Gabriel G.; Meloni, Raphael B.
Advanced Petrophysics in Mexico East Carbonates, Mendez, Javier; Bustos, Ulises D.
Occurrence of Authigenic Carbonate Chimneys and Crusts in the Campos Basin Continental Slope - SE Brazil, Miller, Dennis J.; Kowsmann, Renato O.
Chesapeake Energy's Model for Gas Shale Exploration and Development, Miller, Jeff
Uncertainty Analysis Applied to Petroleum System Mass Balance in Deepwater Santos — Is It from Overcharged System?, Mio, Eduardo D.; Bender, Andre; Mello, Marcio; de Azambuja Filho, Nilo C.
3D Petroleum System Modeling in Deepwater Santos Area; Main Results and Considerations, Mio, Eduardo D.; Bender, André A.; Mello, Marcio; de Azambuja Filho, Nilo C.; Jesus, Carlos L.; Schmitt, Priscila
Autochthonous and Allochthonous Salt Tectonics in Brazilian Sedimentary Basins, Mohriak, Webster U.; Szatmari, Peter
New Technologies Improve Petroleum Source Typing and Process Delineation: Examples from Offshore Brazil, West Africa, U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Iraq, Moldowan, J. M.; Dahl, Jeremy E.; Saleh, Furat A.; Ekweozor, Chukwuemeka M.; Rangel, Mario; Chen, ZhengZheng; Mello, Marcio
A Quantitative Model for Salt Deposition in Actively Spreading Basins, Montaron, Bernard; Tapponnier, Paul E
Pioneering the Global Subsalt/Presalt Play: The World beyond Mahogany Field, Dwight “Clint” Moore.
Cretaceous Paleogeography and Sedimentation in the Upper Magdalena and Putumayo Basins, Southwestern Colombia, Mora, Alejandro; Mantilla, Martin; Defreitas, Mario
Using Outcrop Analogs for Predicting Facies Distribution and Internal Heterogeneity of Seismic Geomorphic Elements: Oligo-Miocene Turbidite Reservoirs, Campos Basin, Brazil, Moraes, Marco A.; Paraizo, Paulo L.; Empinotti, Thais A.; Ragagnin, Gilberto M.; Braga, Mario Sergio S.; Lima, Larissa
New Insights from the Neuquén Basin Lower Jurassic Petroleum Systems and Deep Gas Play, Mosquera, Alfonso; Villar, Héctor; Zavala, Carlso; Alarcón, Martín
An Integrated Tectonic Model for the Western Gondwana Late Paleozoic Deformation, Mosquera, Alfonso; Ramos, Victor A.
Active Uplift and Its Annual Rate of the Saint Peter-Saint Paul Peridotite Ridge, Equatorial Atlantic Ocean Motoki, Akihisa; Sichel, Susanna; Campos, Thomas F.; Szatmari, Peter; Soares, Rodrigo S.
Complex Reservoir Evaluation in the Pre-Salt Carbonates of Santos Basin — The Wildcat of Tupi — a Case History, Nascimento, Joao; Denicol, Paulo S.
Cryptobioturbation and Reservoir Quality: The Role of Mucus-Supported Microburrows in Rock Porosity Reduction, Netto, Renata G.; Tognoli, Francisco M.; Buatois, Luis A.; Mángano, M Gabriela
Impact of Hyperpicnal Flows in Offshore Benthos: A Case of Depauperated Marine Cruziana Suite, Netto, Renata G.; Schiffer, Rogerio
The Foreland Bulge of the Marañfrom Basin of Peru: A Frontier Play in from Established Basin, Neufeld, Carmen; Westlund, Dave
Frontier Basins Onshore Brazil, Neves, Antonio S.; De Sordi, Diogo; Egorov, Vsevolod I.
Application of “From Seismic Interpretation to Tectonic Reconstruction” Methodology to Study Pre-Tertiary Fractured Granite Basement Reservoir in Cuu Long Basin South-East Vietnam Offshore, Nguyen, Huy Ngoc; Nguyen, Quoc Quan; Hoang, Ngoc Dong
Inappropriate Separation of Risk and Uncertainty in Probabilistic Assessments, Norman, Charles D.
Sub-Salt Pressures — Meeting the Technological Challenges, O'Connor, Stephen; Swarbrick, Richard; Lahann, Rick; Green, Sam; Scott, David; Pindar, Bitrus
A Proposal from Well Data Conditioning and Petrophysical Workflow as a Tool for Data Integration and Reservoir Management, Oguro, Aisgo; Silva, Adalberto
Tectonic controls on Post-Oligocene Submarine Channel Evolution on the West African Margin Revealed using Isoproportional Slicing, Spectral Decomposition and Multi-Attribute RGB Blending, Oluboyo, Ayodeji P.; Gawthorpe, Rob L.
A Proposal for a New Boundary Between Santos and Pelotas Basins, Southern Brasil, Oreiro, Sergio G.
Rock Microcharacterisation — A New Petrographic Approach to Reservoir Quality Prediction: Methodology and Case Study, Ortenzi, Andrea; Arduini, Monica; Golfetto, Francesca
Gravity Flow Systems in the Los Molles Formation in the Arroyo La Jardinera Region, Neuquén Basin (Argentina), Paim, Paulo S.; Silveira, Ariane S.; Lavina, Ernesto L.; Faccini, Ubiratan F.; Leanza, Héctor A.; Teixeira de Oliveira, José M.; d'Avila, Roberto
Improvements in Downhole Fluid Identification by Combining High Resolution Fluid Density Sensor Measurements with New Processing Methods; Saudi Aramco Field Case Study, Palmer, Richard; Silva, Andre; Saghiyyah, George; Rourke, Marvin; Engelman, Bob; van Zuilekom, Tony; Proett, Mark; Silvan, Adrienne
New Approach, New Play, Same Area: Utilization of Neural Network Approach from Well Logs and 3D Seismic Data, a Case Study in Middle Baong Sand, North Sumatra Basin, Indonesia, Panguriseng, Muharram J.; Adibrata, Bob W.
Paleogene Palynostratigraphy, Palynofacies and Paleoenvironment in the Central-Eastern Colombian Andes, Pardo-Trujillo, Andres
Fault Seal Prediction and Risk Evaluation of Exploratory Prospects: Examples of Brazilian Marginal Basins, Pelosi, Ana Paula M.
Compositional Kinetics with a PVT Description Applied to the Prediction of Petroleum Quality in Brazilian Basins, Penteado, Henrique L.; Araujo, Laury M.
Fluvial Reservoir Architecture and Cyclic Depositional System: From Example of Improvements in the Reservoir Description to Optimize Production in the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin, Colombia, Peralta-Vargas, Juan; Carrillo, Gonzalo; Gambaretto, Walter; Rodriguez, Corina; Suter, Andreas; Martinez-Uribe, Liliana; Valbuena, Oscar; Dederle, Monica
Chemostratigraphy Applied to Paleozoic Black-Shale Intervals, Pereira, Egberto; Rodrigues, René; Souza, Maria Suzana Pessôa de; Bergamaschi, Sérgio
Regional Aeromagnetic Data Analysis — Integrated Into the Exploration Process for Suriname’s Onshore/Near Shore Acreage, Phillip, L.; Poeketi, N.; Kandhai, R.; Longacre, M.
Potential of Pre-Kais Formation as a Source Rock in the Salawati Basin, Bird Head, West Papua, Indonesia, Pireno, Gadjah E.; Subroto, Eddy A.; Noeradi, Dardji; Djumhana, Nana
Large Scale Stratigraphic Modeling of Deepwater Reservoirs in the Laboratory, Pirmez, Carlos; Cantelli, Alessandro; Hempton, Mark; Maestri, Rogerio; Ducker, Richard E.; Ferreira, Pedro L.; Oliva, George
Structure, Formation and Petroleum Implications of Piercement Structures in Sedimentary Basins, Planke, Sverre; Malthe-Sørenssen, Anders; Svensen, Henrik; Mazzini, Adriano
Global Miocene Tectonics and the Modern World, Potter, Paul E.; Szatmari, Peter
Simultaneous NMR T1 and T2 Acquisition Increases Understanding of Complex Lithology, Potts, Robert; Smith, Charles; Ramakrishna, Sandeep
Low Permeability Reservoir Rock Characterization Using Petrographic and Depositional Studies — Case Study: Optimizing Production for Low Permeability Bekasap Sandstones in the Central Sumatra, Indonesia, Prasetyo, Hadi; Suparka, Emmy; Darussalam, Noeradi D.
Frontier Onshore Basin Exploration Methodology: Starting from Scratch, Airborne Gravity and Magnetics Onshore Angola, Price, Antony D.; Lopez, Tomas; Lucas, Aristoteles; Yalamanchili, Rao
Permeability Estimation in Tight Gas Sands Using NMR — A New Interpretive Methodology, Prince, Christopher M.
The Characterization of CO2 Origins in the Neuquen Basin (Argentina): Mantle Fluids Influence for Oil Maturity and Gas Composition, Prinzhofer, Alain; Monreal, F. R.; Fasola, M.; Galliano, G.
An Approach for a 3D Fracture and Geomechanical Modeling in the Exploratory Phase, Queiroz, Claudia L.; Lima, Claudio C.; Trzaskos, Barbara; Oliver, Flavio
The Relationship Between Seismic Amplitude and Hc Migration Offshore Espirito Santo Basin, Brazil, Rad, Freyd K.; Warner, Lloyd L.; Kirby, Benjamin T.; Thompson, Sarah
A Viable Exploration Play in Deepwater Trinidad with Fans, Structures, and Favorable Basin Models, Radovich, Barbara J.; Connors, Christopher D.; Inniss-King, Helena; Vincent, Hasley; Clark, Wanda D.; Kokaram, Gabriella
Basin Floor Fans from Long-Offset, PSDM Data of East Africa and New Exploration Areas Compared to the Great Fan Plains of Gulf of Mexico and Nigeria, Radovich, Barbara J.; Venkatraman, Sujata; McGrail, Adrian
Integrated of Multiattribute Analysis, Inversion Modeling and Reservoir Modeling as a New Approach for Porosity Prediction and Identifying Sand Distribution in Tanjung Raya Field, Barito Basin, Southeast Kalimantan, Raguwanti, Rusalida; Hirosiadi, Yosi; Adibrata, Bob W.; Kurniawan, Trisakti
Diagenetic Characterization of the Riachuelo Formation, Cretaceous of Sergipe Basin - Brazil, Using Isotopes Data (δ18O and δ13C), Raigosa Diaz, Mary L.; Pereira, Egberto; Rodrigues, René
The Costayaco Field — Reinterpretation of Old Data Leads to Largest Putumayo Basin Discovery Since the 1960s, Ramirez, Carlos Q.; Neufeld, Carmen; Westlund, Dave
Petroleum Systems Assessment Using Surface Geochemistry Technology in Guajira Basin, Offshore Colombia, Ramirez, Victor O.
*Natural Gas and Conventional Oil Potential in South Africa's Karoo Basins, Raseroka, Audrey L.
Enhanced Oil Recovery: From Innovative Approach to Optimize Liquid Hydrocarbon Recovery in a Depleted Reservoir, Rath, Surajeet
Structure and Evolution of the Kerala Basin, Offshore South-West India, Rawat, Sushma; Polanco-Ferrer, Rosa; Dwivedy, Rajendra; Kaul, Anil K.; Krishan, Radha; Sundriyal, Rati; Kumar, Neeraj; Grocott, John
Regional Seismic Mapping and Play Assessment in Santos Basin, SE Brazil Offshore, Using Two Different Data Sets, Reis, Luciana A.; Rostirolla, Sidnei; T. T. Gonçalves, Félix; Martins-Neto, Marcelo; Zagotto, Eric
The Evolution of the Atlantic Margin of Iberia as Recorded in the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal), Reis, Rui P.; Pimentel, Nuno; Garcia, António
Hydrocarbon Potential of Levantine Basin: A Frontier Basin in Eastern Mediterranean, Ribeiro, Christophe; Garyfalou, Katerina; Reiser, Cyrille; Semb, Per Helge; Lie, Øystein
The System U/Th/Pb in the Kerogen and Associated Oils: Is It Possible to Calculate from Age for from Oil Accumulation?, Ricard, E.; Gourlan, A. T.; Prinzhofer, Alain; Pecheyran, C.; Donard, O. F.
Integrated Tectonic Basin Modelling as from Aid to Understanding Deepwater Rifted Continental Margin Structure and Location, Roberts, Alan; Kusznir, Nick; Corfield, Richard; Thompson, Mark
Deformation in and Around Mud Volcano Feeder Complexes, Roberts, Katie; Davies, Richard J.; Stewart, Simon; McCaffrey, Ken
Managing Geological and Simulation Models Within Geometrically Complex Geological Settings Combined with a Thin Producible Oil Rim, Robinson, Adam; Chimienti, Pablo; Ruiz Corregidor, Jose Luis R.; Baillie, John
Non Conventional Oil and Gas Generation Process in Brazilian Paleozoic Basins, Rodrigues, René; Pereira, Egberto; Bergamaschi, Sérgio
New NMR-Based Methodology for Inferring the Presence of Movable Heavy Oil in Reservoir Layers, Romero, Pedro A.; Acosta, Nestor; Serrano, Hiran
Structural Anisotropy and Implications for the Oil and Gas Distribution Along the Campos and Santos Basin, Brazil, Rostirolla, Sidnei; Fernandes, Flávio; T. T. Gonçalves, Félix; Bedregal, Ricardo
Quantitative Chance Assessment of Geological Risk Factors in Oil and Gas Exploration, Rostirolla, Sidnei; T. T. Gonçalves, Félix; Fernandes, Flávio; Lemgruber, Adriana; Araújo, Armando; Kuchler, Patrick C.
Development of a New Pressure Coring System for the Exploration of Unconventional Resources, Rothfuss, Martin; Anders, Erik
Unconventional Resource Recovery Improvement Using Conventional Reservoir Engineering Strategies, Roundtree, Russell; Sedillos, Lia; Wright, John; Miskimins, Jennifer
Barremian Basin Floor Fan Complex: From Untested Gas Play Within the Northern Pletmos Basin, Roux, Jacques
The Effects of Salt-Related Deformation from Depositional Profiles: The Example of the Wilcox in the Deepwater Subsalt Province of the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Rowan, Mark G.; Hunsdale, Robert; Johnson, Stephen D.
Detailed Performance Tracking of from Exploration Portfolio Exemplified by Reservoir Statistics, Rui, Janne C.; Sunde, Kjell
Incertitude from the Oil-Water Transition Zone in Tsiengui Field — A Case Study Gabon, Ruiz Corregidor, Jose Luis R.; Chimienti, Pablo; Robinson, Adam; Baillie, John
Conflicting Formation Dip Measurements Unravel Complex Subsalt Geology, Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, USA, Saha, Souvick; Hayden, Ron; Newberry, Bill; Hamilton, Daniel; Kumar, Anish; Motherwell, Bill; Kear, Rick; Barber, Tom; Klein, Andre; Winstanley, Stephen
Restorations of the Santos Basin, Brazil: Basement Fault Activity from Rifting to Passive Margin, Sanders, Carlo; Sciamanna, Simone; Serrano, Ana
A Geologic Model of the Carbonate Platform in Deepwater of Campos Basin, Brazil, Constrained by the Jabuti Oilfield, Sant'Anna, Marilia V.; Machado Jr, Delzio L.; Viviani, Victor H.; Metelo, Cynthia Maria S.; Pontes, Carlos Eduardo S.; Selbach, Hedio S.; Bassetto, Marcelo; Neto, Joao Brasil M.; Barros, Ana Zélia N.; Coelho, Dimas F S. Santana, Geraldo S.
New Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Indonesian Region as Implication for Exploration Opportunity in the Frontier Basin, Sapiie, Benyamin; Soewandi, Bambang H.; Ibrahim, Andytia M.; Gunawan, Indra
New Hydrocarbon Prospect in the Fore-Arc Basin of West Sumatera Island, Indonesia, Sapiie, Benyamin; Naryanto, Naryanto
Regional Gas Geochemistry of Indonesia: Genetic Characterization and Habitat of Natural Gases, Satyana, Awang H.; Parulian, Lambok; Purwaningsih, Margaretha; Utama, Kusuma
A Reassessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of Basin in South America, Schenk, Christopher J.
Differential Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality in a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework: Evidence from the Depositional Environment Controls in Santonian Sandstones, Santos Basin, Southeastern Brazil, Schiffer, Rogerio; Dias Filho, Dorval; Vesely, Fernando F.
Direct Hydrocarbon Assessment in the Santos Basin by the Integration of Oil Slicks, Piston Core and Gas Chimneys, Schmitt, Priscila; Mello, Marcio; Bender, Andre A.; Elias, Vladimir; Brooks, Paul J.
Modern Analogues of Lacustrine Carbonate Reservoir Facies: Examples from Tropical Lakes of the East African Rift System, Scholz, Christopher
Diagenetic Model for Fault-Related Dolomitization in the Cretaceous of Northern Spain: Subsurface Reservoir Implications, Schroeder, Stefan; López-Horgue, Mikel A.; Iriarte, Eneko; Fernández-Mendiola, Pedro A.; Caline, Bruno; Corneyllie, Hélène; Frémont, Jérémie; Walgenwitz, Frédéric
Geographic Information System as a Tool for Data Integration of Surface and Subsurface Features and Predictive Modeling for Hydrocarbon Exploration: A Case Study from Cambay Basin, India, Sengupta, Siddhartha; Dave, Harshvardhan
Tectonosedimentary Implications from the Petroleum System in and Around Andaman Basin, India, Sengupta, Soma; Dangwal, Vinod
Fracture-Controlled Dolomite Reservoirs — From Outcrop Comparison Between Extensional, Compressional and Strike-Slip Settings, Sharp, Ian R.; Gillespie, Paul; Hunt, David1 Lapponi, Fabio; Garland, Joanna
Mixed Carbonate-Clastic-Evaporite Depositional Systems in Rift Basins. Insights from the Suez Rift, Sharp, Ian R.; Gawthorpe, Rob L.; Lukasik, Jeff; Bernaus, Josep; Hunt, David
3D Structural Restoration Approach for Fracture Prediction — A Case Study from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Shokair, Khalid M.; Plesch, Andreas; Shaw, John
Controls from Submarine Slope Channel-Levee Deposition in Amazon Fan, Silva, Carlos M.; Paton, Douglas; McCaffrey, William D.
Determination of Reflection Coefficient Using the Seismic Controlled Imaging, Silva, Josias J.; Landau, Luiz; Soares, Djalma M.
Resource Assessment of 13 Untapped Oil and Gas Discoveries Offshore Nova Scotia, Smith, Brenton M.; Makrides, Carl; Bonnell-Eisnor, Christine; Altheim, Brian
Drilling Environment Created Data Issues Resolved Through Innovative Data Gathering and Interpretation Techniques, Smith, Charles; Pope, Robert; Mirzadeh, Tahereh; Ramakrishna, Sandeep
Temperature, Maturity and Timing of Hc Generation in the Dutch Sector of North Sea Basin, Souto Carneiro Echternach, Monica; Verweij, Hanneke; Diederick van Wees, Jan
Sedimentological Controls of Physical Properties in Caprock Seals: From Example from Campos and Santos Basins, Brazil, Souza, M.K. ; Santos, V.S.S Souza, Marcos K.
Economics of Staged Exploration and Exploitation: From Application to a Deepwater Concession, Stabell, Charles; Hole, Per Audun
Introduction of a Rock Typing Methodology in Crystalline Basement Reservoirs (Yemen), Steckhan, Jan; Sauer, Roman
Meeting Drilling Challenges in Shallow Extended Reach Wells in a Structurally Complex Field with Heavy Oil and Low Fracture Gradient, Stewart, Gregory L.; Holmes, Gunnar E.; Stockwell, Lee; Levy, Bruno; Kenworthy, Andrew M.; Zambrano, Santiago; Van Konijnenburg, Jan-Henk
Modelling Faulted Turbidites, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, Strand, Julian; Arnot, Malcolm; Clennell, Michael B.
*Techno-Economic Comparative Assessment of Geological Disposal of CO2 and Nuclear Waste, Streimikiene, Dalia
Source Rock Geochemical Study in the Southwestern Java, a Potential Hydrocarbon Basin, in Indonesia, Subroto, Eddy A.; Hermanto, Eddy; Kamtono, Praptisih; Kamtono, K.
Characterization of the Hercynian Unconformity, for Prospect Evaluation, Saudi Arabia, Sulami, Sulaiman L.; Ameen, Mohammed S.
Deciphering Hydrocarbon Accumulation Processes for the Oil Pools in Superimposed Petroliferous Basins Within Mass Fractions, Sun, Yongge; Yang, Chupeng; Wang, Feiyu; Xiao, Qilin
Climate and Environmental Crises Caused by Natural Carbon Release, Svensen, Henrik; Aarnes, Ingrid; Polteau, Stephane; Fristad, Kirsten; Planke, Sverre
Tectonic Control During Earth History of World's Largest Petroleum-Bearing Salt Basins, Szatmari, Peter; Mohriak, Webster U.
World’s Largest Petroleum-Bearing Salt Basins: Tectonic Control, Szatmari, Peter; Mohriak, Webster U.
From Well-Log Electrofacies to Calibrated Seismic Facies Modeling to Predict Stratigraphic Traps: Examples from Jurassic Carbonate Reservoirs, Northern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Tang, David Z.; Rabiller, Philippe; Gregory, A.E. (Greg); Lawrence, Paul; Bakhiet, Abdel Fattah
Novel Chemical EOR Processes for Improved Oil Recovery from Fractured Reservoirs, Tang, Yongchun
Advanced Chemistry of Basin Modeling — Predicting Fluid Properties and Using Field Gas Isotope to Constrain Basin Modeling Uncertainty, Tang, Yongchun
Characterization of the São Tomé Cape Transfer Zone - Campos Basin - RJ – Brazil, Theodoro, Raquel; Destro, Nivaldo
Characterization of the Ladybirds Domain and Its Relationship with the Albian Hinge Line, Campos Basin – Brazil, Theodoro, Raquel; Souza Cruz, Carlos Emanoel D.
Integrated Geological and Petrophysical Evaluation for Completion Planning in Carbonates: A Methodology from Western Offshore India, Tiwari, R. R.; Singh, P. P.; Shrivastva, Chandramani; Sikdar, Koushik; Ghosh, Arnab
Stratigraphy and Paleogeography of the Lower Permian Rio Bonito and Palermo Formations, Paraná Basin, Southern Brazil, Tognoli, Francisco; de Castro, Joel C.
Paleoenvironmental, Paleoecological and Tectonic Considerations from Onshore Mucuri Member, Neo-Aptian, Espirito Santo Basin, Brazil, Tokutake, Lucio R.; Stirling, Robert A.; Zambonato, Eveline E.; Anaisse, Jose; Souza, Paulo A.; Dutra, Tania L.
Oil and Gas Potential of the La Luna Formation in the Cesar Valley, Colombia, Torres, Emilio J.; Garcia-Gonzalez, Mario; Vasquez, Mauricio; Joppen, Thorsten
Analysis of Tectonic Subsidence in the Eastern Part of the Colombia Offshore Basin, Southern Caribbean, Applying Spectral Decomposition of 2D Seismic Data, Torres, Emilio J.; Garcia-Gonzalez, Mario; Rodriguez Cardenas, Heidy L.
Anisotropic and Petrophysics of a Gas Reservoir in a Horizontal Well with a High Angle Pilot Well; Burgos Basin, México, Torres, Hugo Avalos; Aguayo, Heriberto Córdova; Pacheco, Erick; Leal, Manuel Morales; Monjaras, José Bernal; Sánchez, Erik Martínez; Velazquez, Gelmunt Escamilla
Relationship Between Deep Diagenetic Quartz Cementation and Sedimentary Facies in a Late Ordovician Glacial Environment (Sbaa Basin, Algeria), Tournier, Florent1 Page;, Maurice1 Portier, Eric; Wazir, Ibtihal; Fiet, Nicolas
Predicting Petroleum Origin, Type and Quality: Geochemistry from Work, Trindade, Luiz A.; Penteado, Henrique D.; Santos Neto, Eugenio; Cerqueira, Jose; Guzzo, Jarbas; Rangel, Mario; Araujo, Carla
An Integrated Stochastic Modeling of Log and Core Data for Anomalous Log Responses; a Case Study, Tyagi, Anil K.; Dutta, Tanmoy; Abedeen, Ainul
Petrophysical Analysis of Laminated Sand Shale Sequence in Deepwater Setting, Tyagi, Anil K.; Bastia, Rabi
Pre-Salt Evolution of the South Atlantic Conjugate Margins, Unternehr, Patrick
Pore Pressure Assessment and Its Role in the Petroleum System Characterization in the South-East Part of the Maracaibo Basin, Urdaneta, Juan; Olivares, Carolina; Cappellari, Carolina; Espinoza, Sheila; Alcala, Mariela
Western South Atlantic Margin Sedimentary Basins: Petroleum Systems and New Exploration Potential, Urien, Carlos M.; Schiefelbein, Craig F.; Dickson, William; Odegard, Mark E.
Coal Bed Methane Potential of Lower Tertiary Formations in Northeastern Colombia, Vasquez, Mauricio; Torres, Emilio J.; Garcia-Gonzalez, Mario; Joppen, Thorsten
Optimizing the 3D Seismic Acquisition in Colombian Foothills Using the Ray Tracing Theory. Study Case: Recetor Block, Vega, Juan C.; Piedrahita, Carlos C.
Variability in Structural Style of the Western Albania and Its Implication from Petroleum Exploration, Velaj, Telo
*Reservoir Characterization and Stochastic Uncertainty, Its Influence from Development Strategies. Case of Cañadon Amarillo Field, Neuquén Basin, Argentina, Velo, Diego E.; Garzon, Fredy; Vela, Rafael
South Atlantic Margin Rift Basin Asymmetry and Implications for Pre-Salt Exploration, Versfelt, Joseph W.
Upper Cretaceous Clastic Reservoirs of the Santos Basin: Depositional Style and Sequence Stratigraphy, Vesely, Fernando F.; d'Avila, Roberto; Dias Filho, Dorval; Santos, Saulo
Investments in New Frontier Basin — A Case Study of Parecis Basin, Brazil, Vieira, Juliana R.; Petersohn, Eliane; Duarte, Kátia S.; Barbosa, Gustavo S.; Sartori, Vanderlei
Reservoir Characterization and Simulation Using Outcrop Observation and Geostatistics: A North Sea Analogue Case Study, Villegas, Rossmary; Collier, Richard; Fisher, Quentin
Snowball Earth and the Search for Neoproterozoic Petroleum Systems in Angola and Namibia, Vining, Bernie A.; Figueiredo, Carlos A.; Kandjoze, Obeth
Open Versus Restricted System Diagenesis Controlled By Sedimentary Architecture, Walgenwitz, Frederic; Girard, Jean-Pierre; Dumay, Christophe; Godino, Georgina
Structural Style and Kinematics Above Salt in Kuqa Basin, Southern Tianshan, China, Wang, Xin; Xie, Huiwen; Vendeville, Bruno
Revisiting the ‘Conventional’ Log Analysis Equations for Estimating Coal Bed Methane Data: A South Sumatera Case, Indonesia, Widarsono, Bambang; Adibrata, Bob W.; Biantoro, Elan; Sartadirdja, Kosasih; Musu, Junita T.
New Insights from Hydrocarbon Prospectivity Moroccan and Nova Scotian Conjugate Margins, Wilson, Hamish; Luheshi, Matt
Pre-Salt in Ultra-Deep Waters of Santos Basin — A Successful Exploratory History, Wolff, Breno; Gamboa, Luiz Antonio P.; Machado, Marco Antonio P.; Gil, João A.1;Moraes, Marcos Francisco B.; Paula, Lemuel de
Geoarchitectural Analysis of Forced Regressive Isolated Sandstone Bodies: A New Reservoir Emplacement Model for Devonian Petroleum Systems of Brazil, Young, Charles; Borghi, Leonardo; Denck, Thiago
Impact of Reservoir Anisotropy in the Volumetric Quantification of Marlim Oilfield, Zagotto, Eric; Fernandes, Flávio; Rostirolla, Sidnei; Araújo, Armando; Landau, Luiz
Stretching and Thinning of the Upper Lithosphere and Continental-Oceanic Crustal Transition in Southeastern Brazil, Zalán, Pedro V.; Severino, Maria do Carmo G.; Oliveira, João Alberto B.; Magnavita, Luciano P.; Mohriak, Webster U.; Gontijo, Rogério C.; Viana, Adriano R.; Szatmari, Peter
Integrated mCSEM Interpretation — Success Stories from the Brazilian Deepwaters, Zerilli, Andrea; Buonora, Marco P.; Labruzzo, Tiziano; Rodrigues, Luiz F.
Shale and Gas Shale in China, Zhang, Jinchuan; Fan, Tailiang; Yu, Bingsong