An Igneous Controlled Petroleum System: Estimating Petroleum Generation and Migration of the SolimõEs Basin
Solimões Basin is among the top petroleum producing basins in onshore Brazil. Jandiatuba-Juruá (!) is the main petroleum system, responsible for the commercial accumulations in the basin. The source rock is the Devonian black shales of the Jandiatuba Formation with mean TOC values around 5.5%. The main reservoir is the fluvial aeolian sandstone of the Juruá Formation with fairly uniform thickness, good porosity and permeability. The sealing rocks are made up by the evaporitic sequence of Carauari Formation. The classical trapping mechanisms are reverse faults combined with anticline folds of Jurassic-Cretaceous age.
A critical element in the composition and amount of petroleum generated in the Solimões Basin was the intrusion of three groups of thick igneous rocks (sills) into the Paleozoic sedimentary rocks during the Late Jurassic. It is important to emphasize that without the sills intruding over large areas and relatively close to the source rocks, economic amounts would not exist in the basin.
Based on depth converted maps, an entire 3D geological framework was built. The results were calibrated with BHT temperature data and maturity data of several wells from ANP and HRT database. 3D basin migration (multiphase) runs were performed to obtain the thermal evolution, maturation degree of the source rock, and amount of secondary cracking of the hydrocarbon types. The distribution of liquid and vapor petroleum in the basin is an important issue in the exploration of the area and is controlled by the thickness and distance of the sills relative to the source rocks. The interpretation of sills with variable thickness produced maturation results so far unknown. The results of this modeling study showed the occurrence of new structures in the basin, and allowed the identification of those that are dry and those that are filled with hydrocarbons.
The results of this study are new and a step forward in the knowledge of the hydrocarbon occurrence in the Solimões Basin.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90100©2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 15-18 November 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil