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Coal Bed Methane Potential of Lower Tertiary Formations in Northeastern Colombia

Vasquez, Mauricio1
 Torres, Emilio J.1
 Garcia-Gonzalez, Mario1
 Joppen, Thorsten2

1Hydrocarbon and Coal Geology Research Group, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia.
Geology, Schlumberger - IES,
Aachen, Germany.

The lower Tertiary Formations in Northeastern constitutes one of the most important coal reserves in
Colombia. The objective of this study is to determine if this formation has potential to be a coal bed methane reservoir as an unconventional resource. The structural interpretations of eleven 2D seismic lines in the study area show several characteristics of a coal bed methane reservoir. The coal-bearing formation is a lower tertiary unit influenced by Thrust faulting systems. A compressive regime has lead to the formation of a large syncline structure illustrated by seismic lines. The seismic lines show an interesting phenomenon in which the seismic amplitude is strongly reduced as a result of gas saturation of the coal beds. Several sweet spots were located at the axis of synclines. 1D, 2D and 3D geochemical models shows that the lower Tertiary Formations enter the gas window 15 Million years ago to the present. The main risk of these CBM prospects is the presence of an effective seal formation on top of the coal-bearing units, which in some areas is not thick enough to trap gas. The structural maps of the lower Tertiary formations shows potential plays in several zones of the study area, these possible plays are the result of the tectonic influence of the Thrust faulting Systems.

AAPG Search and Discover Article #90100©2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 15-18 November 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil