--> Exploration and Development of Fractured Reservoirs. How Restoration Techniques Can Help Predictions of Fracture Intensity and Orientations in Exploration Frontiers, Araújo, Mario C.; Santarem, Paulo C.; Matos, Gabriel C.; Lima, Rodrigo D., #90100 (2009)

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Exploration and Development of Fractured Reservoirs. How Restoration Techniques Can Help Predictions of Fracture Intensity and Orientations in Exploration Frontiers

Araújo, Mario C.1
Santarem, Paulo C.1
 Matos, Gabriel C.1
Lima, Rodrigo D.2

1Research and Development Center, Department of Structural Geology and Geotectonics, Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
E&P, Campos Basin Exploration Group, Petrobras,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The majority of the producing naturally fractured reservoirs were discovered accidentally when somebody was seeking for primary porosity. One possible explanation is that most fracture systems are hardly ever sampled, being only caught by directional wells. The success of selection of sweet spots and optimal well locations in fractured reservoirs is strongly dependent of orientation, distribution and connectivity predictions. These predictions can be done with the integration of structural geology techniques such as 3D and surface restorations, DFN constructions, borehole image interpretation and in situ stresses measurements. Dilation maps and maximum and minimum strain orientations provided by surface restoration of a 3D coherent structural model can be used to indicate the orientation and distribution of fracture sets. When combined with borehole image analysis and stress field studies produce a robust discrete fracture networks that can be used either to select the most productive sites or to plan orientation of exploration and development wells.

AAPG Search and Discover Article #90100©2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 15-18 November 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil