Fault Analysis, Stratigraphic Discontinuities and 3D Structural Modelling of Tb-Field, Offshore Niger Delta
The patterns of production, hydrocarbon entrapment and migration require detailed fault analysis. Facies distribution, petrophysical properties and fault analysis of TB-field offshore Niger Delta were modelled using high-resolution geo-cellular grids of 88920 cells. The data comprised of seismic volume, log suits and check shot data with the use of geological based software, PETREL Workflow tools. Three horizons and Twenty-two (22) faults were interpreted from within the range of 2,100 and 2610 ms. The facies distribution was done using semi-variogram analysis and Sequential Gaussian Simulation. The fault properties; transmissibility multiplier, fault displacement and fault permeability were also modelled.
Well correlation results from the depths of 7612 ft (2537 m) to 10,000 ft (3333 m) show Channel sand, Background floodplain and Levee. The shale volume model reveals values 0-0.65 as reservoir rocks, as that of permeability captures 600-5000 mD as reservoir rocks while water saturation model is within 0.40-0.90 and graphically presented. The results from the fault permeability and displacement reveal the communication abilities of these faults as the transmissibility multiplier values indicates areas with values 1(one) as ‘open’, those of 0s (zeros) as ‘closed’ and from between 0 and 1 as variably sealing.
These petrophysical/facies models serve as pointers to depositional environments in TB-Field. This static ‘models’ is useful in locating targets,and for dynamic modelling in reservoir engineering. This study revealed the stratigraphic framework of the area under investigation.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90100©2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 15-18 November 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil