Turbidite Systems and Their Stratigraphic Evolution in the Oligomiocene and Miocene of Campos Basin – Brazil
Integration of regional 3D seismic, well logging profiles, including cores and biostratigraphic data gathered under a sequence stratigraphy approach provided a base for interpreting the Oligomiocene and Miocene system as a whole. This interval, mapped on the shelf, slope and basin and was divided into 3 rd and 4 th order sequences.
The main depositional geometries visible in seismic attribute maps are: 1) shelf-edge prograding delta complex; 2) shelf breaching incised valleys; 3) erosive bypass zone of the slope area formed by straight shallow channels and canyons oriented NW/SE; 4) fault-related depressions and troughs with braided-like sandy channels; and 5) asymmetric or elongated sandy lobes.
Shelf margin delta systems are comprised of granules and coarse to very coarse sands deposited during the late lowstand system tract. The most common facies of the turbidite systems comprise: a) extraformational conglomerates, with common shallow water bioclasts; b) structureless medium-to fine-grained sandstones with dispersed granules, with coal fragments; c) intraclastic sandstones; and, d) fine to very fine grained laminated sandstones. Heterolithes were observed at the very end of the cycles.
Catastrophic floods with hyperpycnal flows, related to a strong prograding fluvio-deltaic system, during sea-level falls are assumed to be the main process responsible for transferring the large amount of sediments to the basin. The denudation of an uplifting source area (Serra do Mar) provided the high sedimentation rate and inherited basement structures and halokinesis ultimately controlled the accommodation space.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90100©2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 15-18 November 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil