Regional Aeromagnetic Data Analysis — Integrated Into the Exploration Process for Suriname’s Onshore/Near Shore Acreage
A new integrated regional geological evaluation has been undertaken by Staatsolie to understand the hydrocarbon prospectivity of the onshore/near shore area of Suriname. A component of Staatsolie’s exploration process is to re-analyze the Company’s large aeromagnetic data set using state-of-the-art enhancement and isolation techniques. These results are integrated with well and seismic data to reduce risk and create more exploration value.
The geological history of the Suriname-Guyana Basin is directly related to the pull-apart tectonics associated with the opening up of the Southern Atlantic Ocean and subsequent passive margin sedimentation. The structural features associated with the sedimentary sequences are influenced by the tectonics of the Pre-Cambrian Shield.
Different vintages of aeromagnetic data, in both Guyana and Suriname, have been reprocessed and combined into a ‘megamerge’ data set, covering an area of approximately 313,464 square kilometers. The megamerge data set is of high quality, high resolution, and seamless at the ‘stitching’ boundaries of the different vintages of aeromagnetic data. The megamerge data set has been integrated with 2D seismic, gravity and well data to generate a detailed structural image of the crystalline basement.
The application of aeromagnetic techniques for depth to basement mapping is particularly suited to the highly magnetic and shallow Pre-Cambrian basement in the onshore/near shore area. Maximum basement depth in the area of interest is 2,500 metres. Two and three dimensional interpretation techniques including Werner and Euler Deconvolution, Philips, Naudy and spectral depth techniques, 3D Euler deconvolution and Source Parameter Imaging (SPI) have been applied. The results from the 3D techniques were calibrated with 2D models, wells and seismic data.
The Bakhuys Horst (onshore Suriname), the Takutu Graben (Onshore Guyana), the Nickerie Graben (offshore Suriname) and other yet to be evaluated anomalies are clearly resolved on the megamerge data set. The lateral extent of structural features evident on 2D seismic can be delineated. Preliminary results suggest that there is no widespread extent of magnetic anomalies associated with volcanics in the Nickerie Graben as previously thought. The integrated results are providing valuable insight into areas where the Company should focus its hydrocarbon exploration effort.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90100©2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 15-18 November 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil