Uncertainty Analysis of Reservoirs from Meandering Fluvial Systems Using Multiple Point Stochastic Simulation: Mina El Carmen Formation, San Jorge Gulf Basin, Argentina
A comparative study of several stochastic simulation methods was performed in the reservoirs of Upper Cretaceous Mina El Carmen Formation, in Diadema Field, located in the north flank San Jorge Gulf basin, Argentina. The reservoirs belong to a fluvial meandering system show high variability in thickness, channel width (less than well separation distance) and sinuosity parameters. The study compared the results of 30 realizations using Sequential Gaussian Simulation, Sequential Indicator Simulation, Object-Based and Multiple-point Sequential simulations (MPS) performed over the same facies data. The channel probability three-dimensional models derived from the simulations show a better and more realistic response of Multiple-point methods over the previously widely used simulation methods. The SNESIM algorithm was selected from the MPS methods available to simulate channel-flood plain facies. The model used to guide the MPS simulation was built using a current high sinuosity fluvial system, the Sanboronbom river, located in Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The training model was built digitizing fluvial facies using satellite imagery and converted to ASCII format to be used in the SGems public software. The authors believe that Cretaceous Mina El Carmen formation was deposited in a low slope environment similar to the river used in the training model. After the realizations, the MPS probability model shows channels with high sinuosity, variable width, direction changes and different sizes on same stratigraphic level. These shapes were impossible to reproduce with the other simulation methods mentioned above. Moreover, a good appraisal of five well forecast was made using the MPS probability model. It is concluded that the Multiple-point method is most appropriate to estimate the uncertainty of high sinuosity fluvial systems with channel width less then 300 mts. in average, like the Mina El Carmen Fm channels.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90100©2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 15-18 November 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil