Modeling Elemental Sulphur Saturation Around the Wellbore
Sour gas reservoirs with high content of hydrogen sulfide are distributed widely around the world. Solid elemental sulfur which dissolves in the gas phase originally in the reservoir in form of sulphur compound, may deposit when the thermodynamic conditions of the temperature, pressure or composition changes in the process of production. Deposition of solid elemental sulfur may block the pores in the formation and significantly affect the gas deliverability.
Several models have been exploited to describe the phenomenon of elemental suphur induced flow impairment and the key factors that influence the magnitude around the well bore region. Previous models assumed constant porosity damage factor, which is the function of variable parameters that govern magnitude of flow impairment induced by elemental suphur.
This study presented an improved analytical model for predicting elemental sulphur build up rate around the well bore. Results show that the previous model under-estimated elemental sulphur build up rate at different radial distance around the wellbore while the minimum blockage time were over-estimated.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90100©2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 15-18 November 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil