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Reservoir Characterization of the Upper Cretaceous and Eocene Plays in the Central Espirito Santo Basin

Medeiros, Luana K.1
 Fernandes, Flavio L.1
 Araújo, Armando1
 Gonçalves, Felix T T.1

1Exploration, Vale E&P, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The characterization of sandstone reservoir properties and the understanding of their distribution have a fundamental role to play in the exploration of the Upper Cretaceous and Eocene plays in the Espirito Santo Basin.

This study is located in the central area of the basin, focusing on the petrophysical properties, their variations and implications on the reservoir quality, stratigraphic distribution, sedimentary facies and electrofacies of both Upper Cretaceous and Eocene plays. The petrophysical analyses were performed using the Interactive Petrophysics software (SIS), along 30 wells in order to determine the main parameters such as porosity, permeability, clay volume, composition, diagenesis and fluid type.

The outcomes obtained by the petrophysical study were tied to and integrated with selected seismic sections in order to observe the behavior and distribution of each of the reservoir sequences as well as their different sismofacies associations and relationship with the regional unconformities. The final results were integrated with other geological data and information to achieve VALE’s Play Analysis study throughout the basin.

AAPG Search and Discover Article #90100©2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 15-18 November 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil