Coal-Bed Methane Potential of Qinshui Basin, Shanxi, China
Qinshui basin has seen considerable activity in recent years with CUCBM and several foreign operators’ initiating development of Permian-Carboniferous CBM discoveries, and the number of production wells has increased markedly. The coal-bed methane production is concentrated along the north and south portion of the basin, and although development toward the center area of the basin has started, it is not as developed as in the former two areas. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the CBM potential of the CBM blocks in this basin as the request of Shell China Inc.
Qinshui basin is a well developed coalbed methane bearing basin in the country with the estimated CBM resource around 1500 billion cubic meters, and the total proved CBM reserve is **.** bcm.
Major regional coal seams of the Taiyuan and Shanxi formations are both the CBM source rock and CBM reservoir. The methane in existing CBM blocks were both in adsorbed gas and free gas in the coal seams.
The coal seam ranges from 200 to 1500m of a burial depth, from 8 to 23 cubic m/t of the gas content, from 0.004 to 82.8md of the permeability and from pretty lower to more than 2000 cubic meter per day of the production rate.
A total seven CBM blocks were evaluated exactly in this study, and top five of them were introduced briefly in this paper.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90100©2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 15-18 November 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil