--> Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Vaupes-Amazonas Basin Colombia, Garcia-Gonzalez, Mario; Mier, Ricardo; Cruz, Luis; Penafort, Cristian, #90100 (2009)

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Hydrocarbon Prospectivity of the Vaupes-Amazonas Basin Colombia

Garcia-Gonzalez, Mario1
 Mier, Ricardo1
 Cruz, Luis1
 Penafort, Cristian2

1Geology, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia.
Subdireccion Tecnica, Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos,
Bogota, Colombia.

The Vaupés - Amazonas basin of Colombia is considered an intracratonic basin with an approximate area of 93.000 km2. It is located to the south of Colombia.

Geological Framework
The main tectonic phases in the Vaupes-Amazonas area took place in the Precambrian and the Paleozoic eras. Subsequent events with less intensity were recorded during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras. The stratigraphic record includes metamorphites of the Mitú Migmatitic Complex, which is overlayed by the Proterozoic Piraparana Formation. The Ordovician Araracuara Formation overlays unconformably the previous formations. The upper Paleozoic layers are represented by the Calizas de Berlín and the upper Permian sandstones. The Mesozoic sequence does not seem to outcrop in the
Vaupés Amazonas Basin. The Tertiary sequence includes fossiliferous limestone-claystone and tuff layers, alluvial deposits and eolian sands.
Hydrocarbon Potential of the
Vaupes -Amazonas basin.

This study concludes the existence of two petroleum systems: 1) the Lower Paleozoic system, this sequence contains the source rock. This Paleozoic sequence has been proved in the Solimoes basin, and it is considered that this sequence extends toward the west into
Colombia 2) the Tertiary system, which includes coal seams reported in the Chiribiquete, Araracuara and Leticia areas. The sandstones of the Araracuara Formation are the reservoir rock characteristics. The seal rocks are the Tertiary shales.

Three horizons have been identified; all of these corresponding to unconformities. Horizon 1 separates the crystalline basement, with an overlaying Paleozoic sandstone sequence. Horizon 2 corresponds to the limit of the Lower Paleozoic sequence with the Upper Paleozoic limestone sequence. Horizon 3 corresponds to a clear uneven contact between upper Paleozoic limestone sequence and Tertiary sandstone sequence.

Seismic lines illustrate the continuation of the stratigraphic sequence from the Solimoes basin into
Colombia. Consequently the southern area of the Vaupes-Amazonas basin is the most promising area to locate an active upper Paleozoic system with oil and gas accumulations like in the Solimoes basin of Brazil. Other possible prospective areas are the Chiribiquete and Vaupes sub basin in the northern region of the basin.

AAPG Search and Discover Article #90100©2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 15-18 November 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil