--> Source Rock Characterization and 2D Petroleum System Modeling in the Southern Espirito Santo Basin, Ferreira, Daniella; Lemgruber, Adriana; T. T. Gonçalves, Félix; Felix, Luciana; Fernandes, Flávio, #90100 (2009)

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Source Rock Characterization and 2D Petroleum System Modeling in the Southern Espirito Santo Basin

Ferreira, Daniella1
 Lemgruber, Adriana1
 T. T. Gonçalves, Félix1
 Felix, Luciana1
 Fernandes, Flávio1

1Exploration, Vale E&P, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

An integrated geochemistry and basin modeling study was carried out in the southern Espírito Santo Basin aiming to provide the basis for a better understanding of the dynamics of the petroleum system in the area and for more consistent evaluations of the oil and gas potential and the exploration risk. The study was focused in an elongated area that extended from the coastal zone to the deep water region, in the vicinity of the Peroá and Cangoá Fields.

Potential source rock intervals were identified and characterized through the analysis and interpretation of total organic carbon (TOC) and Rock-Eval pyrolysis data. Vitrinite reflectance and Rock-Eval pyrolysis data were used to define the thermal maturity of the organic-rich intervals. The results of the organic geochemistry evaluation confirm that the rift section holds the best conditions for hydrocarbon generation in the study area, presenting thick intervals of organic-rich shales with high HC source potential and Type I kerogen, particularly in the Mariricu Formation. On the other hand, the drift section generally presents low HC source rock potential, apart from some relatively thin intervals with moderate to high TOC and HC source potential that occur in the Regência/São Mateus Formations and in the base of the Urucutuca Formation. Maturity data indicates that source rocks are immature to early mature in the shallow water area.

Two-dimensional modeling was carried out using Petromod® software in a NW-SE cross section that extends from shallow to deep water in the southern
Espírito Santo Basin. Seismic interpretation, well data, and geochemical data were used as input to build the 2D model. Extrapolated borehole temperature, vitrinite reflectance and Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Tmax were used for thermal calibration. Four potential source rock intervals were simulated, two in the rift section and two in the post-salt section. Modeling results indicate that petroleum system dynamics in the study area was marked by a multiphase charge history and the mixture of HC from distinct sources within the reservoir sequences. Organic-rich intervals of the rift section, the main source rocks in the area, have reached a late to over mature degree of thermal evolution in the outer shelf and deep water areas, which points to a high potential for gas in the studied part of the basin.

AAPG Search and Discover Article #90100©2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 15-18 November 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil