Investments in New Frontier Basin — A Case Study of Parecis Basin, Brazil
The National Petroleum Agency (ANP) as part of its mission has the responsibility to promote studies of geological and geophysical surveys in order to increase knowledge about the petroleum potential of sedimentary Brazilian New Frontier basins, in consequence prepared the 5-Year-Exploration Plan of Geology and Geophysics (“PPA”). The Agency, by the Blocks Definition Superintendency, prepares the projects, bids, contracts and supervises the implementation of these studies and surveys. The acquisition of new data upgrade the geological knowledge of these areas, reducing exploratory risks, attracting investments and enables the concession processes in short, medium and long term. Most of the Brazilian sedimentary basins, onshore and offshore, have not already known its petroleum potential such as Parecis Basin. This Proterozoic Basin has an area over 500,000 sq km and short exploratory effort was made in the 90s. Since then, the basin has been completely forgotten in the national oil scenario. In 2008 a geochemistry study hired by ANP, was completed. This study promoted a new exploratory perspective on this basin that was confirmed by success of the Brazil Round 10. On this basin 100% of the blocks offered were bid. This study consisted by the acquisition of 2,400 strategically distributed samples around the most important structural features. The results showed a methane positive anomaly mainly. The integration of all data suggests thermogenic methane generated at great depths. This fact proved the presence of an active petroleum system and characterizes the basin as a gas-prone province. The target of this work is to show the main results of the ANP’s 5-Year-Exploration Plan, presenting the Parecis Basin as a case study. It was analyzed the efficiency and the contribution of the geological survey and its importance for future Brazil Bid Rounds. The geochemistry results contributed for the 2D seismic lines positioning that were bid and contracted by ANP, and certainly it will provide the stratigraphic well location according to “PPA” to be contracted in 2010.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90100©2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 15-18 November 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil