New Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Indonesian Region as Implication for Exploration Opportunity in the Frontier Basin
The Eastern Indonesian region is one of the most prolific hydrocarbon areas in the Southeast Asia. Oil and gas accumulations are found in both Mesozoic and Tertiary reservoir and their occurrences scatter in several different geology provinces in the region. However, their geologic relationships are poorly understood due to complex tectonic history in both time and space.
Tectonic evolution and basin development of region is known as one the most complex in the world. It involves convergent of three major plates: Indo-Australian, Pacific and Eurasia that has been occurring since early Tertiary. This tectonic event is generated several independent tectonic blocks in which their deformation involving rotation and translation with large displacements. As a result the mechanism and distribution of Tertiary hydrocarbon basin is uncertain. Furthermore, the understandings of tectonic evolution of the region are varies among workers that cause difficulty in searching new exploration target area. The main objective of this paper is to present results of on going tectonic reconstructions model using new concept supporting by newly acquired 2D seismic data from several frontier basins location. These new seismic data suggest new interpretation which in turn indicating several new exploration opportunities that wouldn’t be expose before. This new evidence is force to generate new tectonic reconstruction model in order to explain basin development and deformation in the region. Finally, with the present understanding we demonstrate that our model could lead to a new future exploration target in several frontier basins at the Eastern Indonesian region.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90100©2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 15-18 November 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil