Caioba Formation: Proposal of a New Stratigraphic Unit for the Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Sergipe State, Brazil
STARFISH OIL & GAS participated in the exploration activities in the onshore Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, Sergipe State, Northeastern Brazil. The first exploration well resulted in the relevant oil discovery in the pre-rift section. In this well, there is a section that occurs between the Barra de Itiúba or Feliz Deserto Formation and the Serraria Formation. This unit, proposed to be called Caioba Formation, occurs in the entire Sergipe-Alagoas Basin, producing oil in several wells, was miscorrelated with the Serraria Formation. It is composed by two sets of sand bodies (Upper and Lower Caioba reservoirs), fluvial-lacustrine in nature. Additionally, lithological markers above and below the Caioba interval comprise splintery shale in the top and reddish brown shale in the base (top of the Serraria Formation). Therefore, the Caioba Formation is correlated with the Água Grande and Itaparica formations in the Reconcavo Basin. Such correlation was already made by some geologists, and is bioestratigraphically validated by the presence of the ostracode biozone RT 002.1 in the formation. The shale overlying the Caioba Formation would be correlated with the Tauá Member of the Candeias Formation in the Reconcavo Basin. Petrophysical properties, like porosity and permeability of this unit are fairly good. Lower Caioba sandstones produce oil in the Atalaia Sul field, whereas production from the well 1-STAR-5D-SE comes from the upper part.
AAPG Search and Discover Article #90100©2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 15-18 November 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil