--> Managing Geological and Simulation Models Within Geometrically Complex Geological Settings Combined with a Thin Producible Oil Rim, Robinson, Adam; Chimienti, Pablo; Ruiz Corregidor, Jose Luis R.; Baillie, John, #90100 (2009)

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Managing Geological and Simulation Models Within Geometrically Complex Geological Settings Combined with a Thin Producible Oil Rim

Robinson, Adam1
 Chimienti, Pablo1
Corregidor, Jose Luis R.1
 Baillie, John1

1ADDAX Petroleum, Geneva, Switzerland.

Addax Petroleum have operated interests onshore Gabon, West Africa, where oil reserves are being exploited from thin oil rims within the range of 15-10m net oil column thickness.

Extensive modelling is done for all assets to optimize the development strategies and manage reservoir performance. Early model and grid design screening identified that in order to achieve reasonable history matches and conform to the geologic setting careful attention to grid design was critical to deliver manageable and useful reservoir models.

It was found that the geometrical arrangement of the models’ grid, as a result of the geology with respect to the oil column thickness was having an impact not only on the oil in place calculation but also on the modelling effect of the individual well performance and history match. Screening was undertaken in order to assess the most optimum, yet pragmatic grid design (and its associated workflow) to achieve expected and respectable results from the geological scale model through to the full field dynamic model.

This poster demonstrates the established workflow that has been adopted for more than one thin oil rim within Addax Petroleum’s onshore
Gabon portfolio and attempts to assess the merits of grid design to achieve a valid population of key reservoir properties.

AAPG Search and Discover Article #90100©2009 AAPG International Conference and Exhibition 15-18 November 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil