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Some Surprising Ways That Plate Tectonic, Paleogeographic, and Paleoclimatic Models are Used in Resource (Hydrocarbon & Mineral) Exploration


Since the advent of plate tectonic theory in the 1960s, those charged with the exploration for hydrocarbon and mineral resources have looked to apply the theoretical advancements in that domain to the practical challenges of their pursuit of resources to exploit. As the broad implications of the paradigm shift became apparent and the details more clear, the opportunities to use them to address the practical challenges became more numerous and valuable. The logical derivatives of the plate tectonic modeling revolution are paleogeographic and paleoclimatic modeling. They became possible once the underlying plate motions were understood, and they too became a rich source of tools to use to understand the context and formative mechanisms of the resource opportunities. The presentation attempts to comprehensively compile and provide examples of the numerous ways that plate tectonic, paleogeographic, and paleoclimatic models have been successfully applied to resource exploration. Currently, there are 2 static map examples, 5 kinematic map (animation) examples, 5 paleogeographic map examples, 6 paleo-digital elevation map examples, and 8 paleoclimatic map examples. And this list is and should be constantly expanding. The intent of this presentation is to stimulate further expansion of the application of plate tectonic, paleogeographic, and paleoclimatic models to the challenges of resource exploration.