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Remotely Monitored PAM


Remote Passive Acoustic Monitoring (RPAM) enables acoustic monitoring of marine mammals at an on-shore location. Acoustic data is transferred in real time via satellite from an at-sea PAM system. From anywhere in the world, an RPAM operator can then detect vocalising whales and dolphins – without the need for personnel offshore. Regulatory requirements for effective noise mitigation of marine mammals are on the increase, and Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) has become standard practice. This necessitates more environmental specialists going offshore and brings implications on bunk space, safety and cost. RPAM can address these issues and was recently used as a mitigation tool on a seismic survey of Trinidad and Tobago for BHPB. The RPAM technology itself was rigorously tested and found to be of high quality and reliable, with connection rates of 99%. The highly trained operators at Seiche's RPAM base in Devon, UK supported the local onboard operators with technical and biological expertise – and were key to ensuring robust decision-making for mitigation compliance.