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Point-Bar Morphodynamics and Hydrodynamics in a Macrotidal Channel, Gomso Bay, West Coast of Korea: Their Impact on the Stratigraphic Architecture of Channel and Abandoned Channel-Fills


Morphodynamics and hydrodynamics of tidal channels in macrotidal Gomso Bay were investigated to understand the architecture of inclined heterolithic stratification (IHS) formed in a tide-dominated channel. Channel sinuosity increases notably during summertime rainy season, when abrupt morphologic changes such as meander-bend cutoff by chute channels take place. Bend-apex trajectory transforms mainly by downstream elongation and rotation with minor downstream-migration. Point bar migrates in response to seasonal monsoon-driven discharge fluctuation and to lesser degree tidal cycles. IHS of point bar consists of monsoonal and fair-weather layers. The former is characterized by greater thickness and sand/mud ratio, more ebb-dominance and less common counterintuitive relationship between bedforms and IHS than the latter. Abandoned channel fills are composed of IHS formed during early stage and rhythmic beddings deposited during late stage. Stratigraphic architecture of abandoned channel fills is strongly influenced by the proximity and the dip azimuth of active channel point bar as well as tidal asymmetry. The presence of rill channels adds architectural complexity along the path of abandoned channel fills.