Stacking Pattern and Sequence Stratigraphy Analysis of the Oligo-Miocene Rajamandala Limestone, Padalarang Area, West Java
This research is tfocuses on the interpretation of the depositional facies, facies associations, vertical successions, and stacking patterns within Oligo-Miocene Rajamandala Limestone Fm. Comprehensive description on eighteen field stratigraphic sections, 300 meters continuous cores from 4 wells, and more than a hundred thin sections are the main data on this research. There are 5 five general facies associations (FA) composed the formation, those are: 1) Platform top FA, 2) Reef Margin FA, 3) Reef Foreslope FA, 4) Carbonate Turbidite Apron FA, and 5) Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Deep-water Breccia FA. There are three different major stacking patterns that composed the formation. Those have been bounded by some sequence components such as sub-aerial exposure and drowning unconformity. The aggradation stacking has composed the lowermost part (Cikamuning Area) and had been followed by a progradational stacking during Te-2/3. The progradation platform then is capped by a possible sub-aerial exposure that erode most part of this stacking pattern. Following the sub aerial exposure is the onlapped retrogradational stacking of shallow water platform. The retrogradational is believed was deposited during Te-4. The retrogradatiopnal stacking then seems to be ended by carbonate drowning phase deposit which capped by drowning unconformity (represented by thick drowning phase of Platform Top FA in Gn. Guha Area). The last event is represented by a depositional event of the Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Deep-water Breccia FA in southern part of this area during late Te-4. Rajamandala Formation in Padalarang Area is the largest and the most diversed (in term of facies types) of Oligo-Miosen carbonate outcrope in Java that representing almost all architectural facies commonly appeared in subsurface Oligo-Miocene creservoir in West carbonate reservoir in East Java area.
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90217 © 2015 International Conference & Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia, September 13-16, 2015