Frontier Exploration on a Petroleum Block in Eastern Mongolia
Mongolia contains several under-explored sedimentary basins. These basins are geologically similar to highly productive basins in China. No basins had been previously identified on the Sukhbaatar block which covers approximately 22,600 square kilometers in Eastern Mongolia. An interdisciplinary approach was used to evaluate the block. Land based gravity and magnetic surveys were conducted, processed and used to define the location of the Cretaceous lacustrine rift basins. A remote sensing study included structural, lithologic and alteration mineral interpretation utilizing enhanced multispectral satellite imagery and digital elevation model data. Approximately 450 line kilometers of 2D seismic was conducted, processed and interpreted, further defining the basin location. A hydrocarbon geochemical survey was conducted using the seismic shot hole sediments; results indicate that volatile and liquid hydrocarbon microseeps are evident at the basin margins and surface expression of faults. Integrating these studies along with geologic field mapping has resulted in several prospects/leads to be drilled.
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90217 © 2015 International Conference & Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia, September 13-16, 2015