International Conference & Exhibition

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Breaking New Ground in Seismic Identification of Fluid Conduits or Barriers—Carbonate Case Studies From Around the World


The talk presents a new and ‘world-first’ seismic volume interpretation workflow that allows to visualize fault networks in seismic data at extremely high resolution. It will be shown that the method delivers ground-breaking insights into the physical description and understanding of resources by successfully and reliably delineating potential fluid conduits, fluid barriers or drilling hazards in the subsurface. Results of the application of the new workflows to fractured Carbonate reservoirs from around the world (North America, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia) will be shown, including examples of fractured Chalk, karstified Carbonate Basement reservoirs and large Carbonate reservoirs in the Middle East. These case studies will demonstrate the significant value that can be added when delineating 3-dimensional fault and associated fracture networks at high resolution and directly and quantitatively relating this information to drilling and production observations. High-resolution fault extraction dramatically increases the number of faults that are identified from seismic data, and identifies many small-scale faults within a reservoir and also many fault penetrations in existing wells. Seismic fault penetrations in wells often show perfect matches with faults & fractures identified on image logs, in cores, from log correlation, temperature logs or well tests, but importantly also show perfect matches with fluid flow indications (losses during drilling, hydrocarbon shows, fracture productivity, water channeling, x-flow between wells) or lack thereof (compartmentalisation). It will be demonstrated that a step-change in the understanding of drilling and production issues can be realised, and that a focused application of the new technology workflows delivers increased recoveries from resources, and also results in safer, cheaper and more successful drilling operations. The new techniques are proposed as Best Practice workflows for the exploration & development of both conventional and unconventional reservoirs.