Research on the Mechanism and Patterns of Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Deep Petroliferous Basins
The accumulation mechanism and distribution patterns of deep petroleum are controlled by fluid dynamic fields, according to the dynamic mechanism and patterns, the oil-gas reservoirs can be divided into three categories and ten kinds. The first category is mainly distributed in the free fluid dynamic field, containing three kinds of hydrocarbon reservoirs: the first kind is conventional structural hydrocarbon reservoir, its main controlling factors are source of oil and gas (S), cap protection (C), favorable deposition facies (D) and low potential area (P), the distribution pattern can be expressed as T-CDPS; the second kind is conventional fault block hydrocarbon reservoir, its main controlling factors are S, C, D and fault (F), the distribution pattern can be expressed as T-CDFS; the last kind is conventional lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir, its main controlling factors are S, C, D and generally low pore reservoir (L), the distribution pattern can be expressed as T-CDLS. The second category is mainly distributed in the limited fluid dynamic field, containing four kinds of hydrocarbon reservoirs: the first kind is tight conventional hydrocarbon reservoir, it is mainly controlled by such factors as S, C, D and P, its distribution pattern can be expressed as T-CDPS; the second kind is tight deep basin hydrocarbon reservoirs, it is mainly controlled by such factors as S, D, L and well preserved environment (W), its distribution pattern can be expressed as T-LWDS; the third kind is tight compound hydrocarbon reservoir, it is mainly controlled by such factors as C, D, P, S, L and W, its distribution pattern can be expressed as T-CDPS+T-LWDS; the last kind is original tight hydrocarbon reservoir, it is mainly controlled by such factors as D and S, its distribution pattern can be expressed as T-DS. The third category is mainly distributed in areas with frequent tectonic activities, containing three kinds of hydrocarbon reservoirs: the first kind is reconstructed fractured hydrocarbon reservoirs, controlled by S, D, C, P, W, L and F, the distribution pattern of it can be expressed as T-CDPS+T-LWDS+F; the second kind is reconstructed karst hydrocarbon reservoirs, controlled by S, D, C, P, W, L and fluid flow (f), the distribution pattern of it can be expressed as T-CDPS+T-LWDS+f; the last kind is reconstructed vuggy hydrocarbon reservoirs, controlled by S, D, C, P, W, L, F and f, the distribution pattern of it can be expressed as T-CDPS+T-LWDS+Ff.
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90217 © 2015 International Conference & Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia, September 13-16, 2015