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South West Hub CCS Project: Site Characterisation and Latest Results


The South West Hub CCS Project is investigating the potential to store CO2 in an area about 110 km south west of Perth, Western Australia. Following a number of regional studies the project has focused on a 150 km2 area in the shires of Harvey and Waroona, taking in part of the Southern Perth Basin. Pre-feasibility data acquisition is being led by the West Australian Department of Mines and Petroleum (WA DMP) in collaboration with a series of technical, research and development providers. These pre-competitive activities on the ground range from: – 2D seismic survey along major roads in the area (2011). – 2913.8m TVD SS deep Harvey-1 stratigraphic well drilled (2012). – 115 km2 3D seismic survey coverage over a 150 km2 area, acquired, processed and interpreted (2014). - Drilling of three new wells (Harvey-2, −3 & −4) to depths ranging from 1200–1750m to investigate containment, baffles and sealing intervals (late 2014 – 2015). - Drilling of a deeper well, Harvey-5, to investigate the storage interval in a second location (late 2015). - Testing activities using the wells (2015–2016). Packages of new data are being generated from the Harvey-2 to -4 wells which are being integrated with existing geological data to enable the evaluation of the area for commercial scale carbon storage. Potential sources of CO2 in the area include a series of coal fired power plants and coal based projects in nearby Collie (~70 km to the east of the study area). Being onshore, much of the work is invasive to the local community. They are regarded as partners in the project and extensive community engagement activities have thus far enabled the data acquisition process to proceed unimpeded. An industry led joint venture (JV) has been formed and will consider taking the next steps towards commercial activity subject to technical and financial hurdles being met. Results so far indicate that there is suitable levels of porosity (7 to 19%) and permeability (0.01 to 580 mD) in the target storage formation, the Triassic fluvial sandstone of the Lower Lesueur. The new wells, Harvey-2 to -4, will provide valuable additional data to advance site characterisation as the pre-competitive data acquisition and site characterisation phase continues. Theme Three: Carbon Storage Session: Results Thus Far