Economic Appraisal of Unconventional Gas Development in the United Kingdom
The research aims to evaluate the economic value from proposed unconventional gas development in the United Kingdom. A model is developed to estimate reservoir parameters and applied to a pressure transient model to forecast gas production. Cost implications and drivers regarding shale gas development remain uncertain as such a cost survey of historical data and UK specific factors are employed in developing a new UK specific cost estimation relationship. The impact of policies and regulatory measures on the development would be appraised; uncertainties in the reservoir, gas prices and cost structure operations would be analysed. The overall objective of the research would be achieved by integrating the reservoir production model and cost estimation model. The results could aid energy resource options, feasibility analyses as well as fiscal and environmental policy formulation regarding unconventional gas development in the United Kingdom.
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90217 © 2015 International Conference & Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia, September 13-16, 2015