Multi-reservoir characterization with multicomponent 3D seismic in North-West Denver-Julesburg Basin
Several conventional and unconventional targets have been identified and drilled in the Denver Basin, such as the Niobrara, the Codell and the Dakota J sandstones. Characterization of these reservoirs requires an integrated approach where surface seismic data is incorporated and calibrated with often sparse well data. In this study, a seismic reservoir characterization program was implemented on data from southeast Wyoming, in which a 3D multi-component seismic survey was acquired and processed with the objective of delineating potential sweet-spots for the various reservoirs away from the limited well control. Accurate imaging of the reservoirs was achieved by an integrated depth imaging workflow, which can be used to mitigate the risks associated with multiple lateral well landing and placement and structural hazards. With sufficient well control, the model can be refined and used for effective well design, planning and stimulation. Multi-component seismic allowed the estimation of key production drivers such as matrix porosity, total organic carbon and fracture density. Elastic attributes and anisotropy parameters derived from seismic inversion and azimuthal velocity analysis of P and PS waves were used to estimate a number of geomechanical attributes that could be used, with sufficient well calibration, to infer mechanical rock properties in the inter-well space. Fracture characterization helped to identify dominant regional fracture directions and their association with Permo-Pennsylvanian and Laramide structural movements. The study highlighted the value of target-oriented acquisition and processing of multi-component seismic data and seismic reservoir characterization in the early screening of multiple unconventional targets in the DJ Basin.
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90193 © 2014 Rocky Mountain Section AAPG Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, July 20-22, 2014