2014 Rocky Mountain Section AAPG Annual Meeting

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Completions Optimization in the Eagle Ford Shale Play


Hydraulic fracture stimulation treatments of a two well pad in the Eagle Ford shale of Texas were monitored for induced seismicity. Data acquired during the treatments was analyzed and used to optimize the treatment design, including wellbore spacing, stage length, stage spacing, and treatment schedule. A discrete fracture network (DFN) was modeled, with a fracture for every microseismic event. Each fracture's orientation and dimensions was modeled using the event's source mechanism, energy of the event, rock properties, and injected fluid volume. A distance-based proppant filling methodology was used to model the portion of the total stimulated rock volume (SRV) that will be productive. The horizontal perpendicular, horizontal parallel, and vertical components of each event's location was calculated with respect to its stage center, and a statistical analysis of those components was used to evaluate the treatment design.