--> Cycle Time Reduction and Quality Enhancement Through Knowledge Management

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Cycle Time Reduction and Quality Enhancement Through Knowledge Management: An Example from the Nile Delta, Egypt


 Sahar Abdelaziz1, Emad A. Hamid2, John C. Dolson3

(1) BP-Egypt, Cairo, Egypt (2) Landmark Graphics Corp, Cairo, Egypt (3) BP Egypt, Houston, TX

 Use of Landmark’s Knowledge Management System software, coupled with ARCVIEW GIS, has resulted in at least a six-month gain in productivity for BP-Egypt’s Gas Business Unit Nile Regional Team. The quality of the interpretations has been increased and the regional mapping products have become “living documents”. Other staff can now routinely access these files and interactively improve or modify the interpretations with more data. A true “learning organization” which can shift quickly from regional to reservoir scale assessment has become a reality.

The system used allowed the team to iteratively integrate multiple disciplines, datasets and other software applications. Data included geophysical & geological grids and contours, geochemical, log and core analysis, pressure data, land sat imagery, paleobathymetry, geotiffs and access to scanned images and reports.

We believe this project demonstrates a significant financial “prize” in value added team integration, data access, report and image file archiving. Key learnings presented in this paper will also show steps that can be taken in the future to provide even more powerful learning systems, including integration of tops databases with all other depth-related data, especially production and pressure data.