AAPG Foundation 2019 Grants-in-Aid Projects

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Petrophysical analysis of Utica-Point Pleasant Formation in Noble and Muskingum County, Ohio


This research project focuses on two cores on loan from EMF Geoscience Inc., Marietta, Ohio. The cores are from Noble and Muskingum Counties, Ohio and are derived from the Utica-Point Pleasant Formation. Cores will be correlated with well log response, with emphasis placed on the on a unique response found in the resistivity log that can be correlated both east-west and north-south for several miles across the study area. This unique signature is a notable separation between the deep and shallow resistivity curves, which typically infers increased permeability. As this is a mudstone interval, there is great interest in understanding what is causing this resistivity signature, which is not found elsewhere in the mudstone interval. Of additional interest is, what appears to be, coarsening upward sequences in the Gamma curve that may represent several stacked parasequences that correlate with the resistivity signature. This study asked the question, is there a correlation between these hypothesized parasequences and increased permeability in this 10 ft. to 40 ft. section of the Utica-Point Pleasant Formation.  To answer this question, detailed analyses of the core will be collected using thin-section, SEM, TEM, XRD, TOC, and grain size measurements will be completed in order to better understand, pore size/ distribution, mineralogy (clay, framework, etc.) and organic material characterization and distribution. This information will be carefully correlated to the resistivity log signature. The results of this project will help improve our understanding of unconventional mudstone reservoirs in Southeastern Ohio and could be applied to targeting similar intervals in the Appalachian Basin.