AAPG Middle East Geoscience Technology Workshop, Integrated Emerging Exploration Concepts

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An Integrated Approach to Map Reservoir Facies of Paleozoic Clastics in Saudi Arabia


The heterogeneous nature of siliciclastic environments leads to challenges in understanding reservoir distribution. The ability to better predict reservoir distribution is thus key in understanding such systems. This study demonstrates an integrated approach to improve reservoir distribution mapping in a Paleozoic clastics reservoir in Saudi Arabia. The early regional understanding of the area of interest was based on sparse well and 2D seismic data sets that led to unconstrained and generalized models of reservoir distribution. At times, spacing between wells reaches up to 200 kilometers, leading to significant challenges in mapping reservoir quality in the interwell region within the Paleozoic section. The interpretation of recently acquired 3D seismic data has led to the identification of additional multi-attribute supported depositional trends. These trends are situated between several existing wells drilled in the area. Further studies and interpretation techniques were applied to investigate these features. Through the integration of stratigraphic analysis, seismic attribute analysis and forward modeling, a high-resolution predictive geological model of the regional depositional setting was interpreted. This interpretation has reduced the uncertainty in predicting reservoir presence and quality within the area. This in turn has resulted in a milestone new finding for the Paleozoic clastics.