Geomechanical Characterization for Secure CO2 Storage in the Pennsylvanian-Permian Storage Complex in the Midcontinent Region, USA
Geomechanical characterization of target injection and confining zones is essential for developing a safe and successful Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) project. The Integrated Midcontinent Stacked Carbon Storage Hub (IMSCS-HUB) Project is assessing the feasibility of commercial-scale CCUS implementation in the Midcontinent Region as part of DOE- NETL’s Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (CarbonSAFE) initiative. Regional and site-specific geomechanical analyses of the Pennsylvanian-Permian Storage Complex in the Midcontinent Region are conducted to determine the stress regime and geomechanical baselines of target reservoirs and caprocks to validate caprock integrity through stacked-injection simulations and for future monitoring. The lateral and vertical extents of the formations of interest are defined through log analysis and geologic mapping. The stress regime is defined using image log data, mini-fracture tests, and drill stem tests. Petrophysical and geomechanical properties of reservoir and caprock intervals are determined through core laboratory testing, advanced well log analysis (sonic and image logs), and well testing (mini-fracture and drill stem tests). The core laboratory testing includes routine core analysis (porosity, permeability, net confining stress, and grain density), mercury injection capillary pressure, effective permeability, threshold entry pressure, and triaxial compressive strength. The results of the geomechanical characterization are key inputs for stacked-injection simulations to assess the baseline stresses in the subsurface and provide information on the fracture gradient to estimate the maximum permissible injection pressure, simulate the mechanical integrity of the caprocks, and evaluate the risk of induced seismic events. The Integrated Midcontinent Stacked Carbon Storage Hub (IMSCS-HUB) project is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy-National Energy Technology Laboratory Agreement No. DE- FOA-0031623.
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90373 © 2019 AAPG Eastern Section Meeting, Energy from the Heartland, Columbus, Ohio, October 12-16, 2019