AAPG Asia Pacific Region, The 4th AAPG/EAGE/MGS Myanmar Oil and Gas Conference:
Myanmar: A Global Oil and Gas Hotspot: Unleashing the Petroleum Systems Potential

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Microfacies and Depositional Environment of the Natteik Limestone Formation in Papan Area, Southern Shan Plateau, Myanmar


The Middle Triassic carbonate sequence of the Natteik Limestone Formation is locally exposed in southern Shan Plateau that lies on the western part of the Sibumasu Terrane in Myanmar portion. This unit is well exposed in Papan area which is characterized by thin- to thick -bedded, light to dark grey limestone with intercalation of chert layers. The microfacies types were classified on the basis of textures and, the presence and proportion of microfauna and nonskeletal grains. Eleven microfacies have been observed by the petrographic analysis of 380 thin- sections. These are intraclastic packstone, bioclastic packstone, radiolarian packstone, foraminifer packstone, peloidal wackestone-packstone, radiolarian wackestone, spiculitic wackestone, foraminifer lime mudstone-wackestone, laminated lime mudstone-wackestone, lime mudstone and calcareous shale facies. The observed microfacies types indicate that the Natteik Limestone Formation would have been deposited in different environments from foreslope to basin setting.