AAPG Middle East Region GTW, Maximizing Asset Value: Integrating Geoscience with Reservoir Management & Facilities Optimization

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A Full Collaborative Workflow for Multi-Disciplinary Field Development Planning


A full collaborative workflow was followed during the modelling and planning of a green offshore field in the Middle East, the field consists of six stacked reservoirs with different characteristics that are planned to share the same well head towers and surface injection and production facilities. This workflow provided an integrated collaborative environment for geoscientists, drilling, reservoir and facility engineers to work together and generate a 90+ wells field development plan that takes in account the preferred development scheme per reservoir as defined by reservoir engineer and also takes in account surface and subsurface constraints from geoscientist, drilling, reservoir engineering and facility design prospective. This case study shows that such collaborative environment can optimize the planning time and efforts and subsequently minimizing the plan update cycle in the future if to mitigate any uncertainty by creating well plans that are drillable, reaching targets defined by reservoir engineer, avoiding surface and subsurface hazards and respecting facility design limitations thus minimizing the number of iterations and providing more confidence in the field wide development plan.