AAPG Middle East Region GTW, Maximizing Asset Value: Integrating Geoscience with Reservoir Management & Facilities Optimization

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Multidiscipline Integration for Reservoir Management and Field Development


Paramount to Unconventional reservoir development and exploitation is multidiscipline integration to obtain a holistic view of the subject reservoirs. We describe a workflow that centers around a seismic rock properties’ driven characterization of reservoirs which in turn drives well placement and field development, stimulation planning, and effective surveillance for driving future efficiency and continuous improvement. Our workflow includes a petrophysics, geology, and engineering parameters’ driven modelling exercise to help understand rock and fluid properties and their expected expression/s, if any, in the available seismic data. The results of this exercise guide the creation of appropriate seismic data that have the best potential to predict most effective areas in the field for maximizing economic returns. These specialized seismic data also provide insights into the spatial extent of the target reservoirs and thereby help drive development of an appropriate stimulation strategy. Combining this approach with a solid surveillance plan then allows us to measure the effectiveness of the stimulation, and hence offer the scope for future cost savings and improvement in reservoir management.