AAPG Eastern Section Meeting

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Optimizing Lateral Placement and Production while Minimizing Completion Costs Using Downhole Geochemical Logging


One of the most difficult battles that occurs with respect to well completions is efficiency verses effectiveness. A presentation by Chris Fredd at the 2014 Second EAGE/ SPE/ AAPG Shale Gas Workshop in the Dubai reported that approximately 40% of all shale oil wells were not profitable because many of the frac stages were not effective. While there are many reasons for the lack of effectiveness, one of the most common reasons is the focus on efficiency over effectiveness. Once production drilling begins it is easy to understand the push to standardize drilling operation to preset well spacing, lateral lengths, the number of frac stages, and spacing to optimize operation and minimize costs.

However, effectiveness also plays an important part in optimizing profitability. For example, setting frac stages in zones that contain little or no hydrocarbons and low porosity increases completion costs without increasing production.

This case study will discuss how Downhole Geochemical Logging (DGL) indicated similar production could have been obtained by using 5 frac stages instead of 8, thus saving the company $600,000 in completion costs. Additionally, DGL data indicated that lateral placement had not been optimal, indicating greater liquid hydrocarbon intensity and better porosity up section in the well.

In the lateral portion of the well the Downhole Geochemical Logging data was able to show:

  • How to improve production by focusing the lateral in more hydrocarbon rich and better porosity zones
  • How to reduce completion costs by optimizing the number of fracing stages
  • Porpoising of the lateral drilling effort
  • Identify when drilling efforts were in or out of the target formation
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    In the vertical portion of the well the Downhole Geochemical Logging data was able to:

  • Infer multiples seals not detected in the well logs
  • Clearly distinguish various hydrocarbon phases (i.e. gas, condensate, or oil)
  • Identify by-passed pay
  • Identify a water saturated zone in a deltaic sandy shale section
  • Serve as a proxy for porosity which was of particular value in a wash-out section where the density log was misleading
  • Identify one section as a conventional tight sand instead of a shale section
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