Apatite Fission-Track Analysis In The Northern Continental Shelf Of South China Sea
This paper tries to apply Apatite Fission Track (AFT) analysis to the thermal evolution history research for the sedimentary basins in the north shelf in South China Sea. AFT measurements of 10 samples from 3 boreholes have been investigated. The reports show that Well A location had not been disturbed by major thermal event and the thermal evolution was quite steady since 32Ma, while Well B location had been disturbed between 32Ma to 10Ma base on the measurements of several of thermal evolution history. The conclusions have been verified by means of a theory model calculating Fission Track. By compare with Growth Index and the Distribution of the synsedimentary faults activities, the correlation between thermal history and faults activities have been reported in this area. The geothermal activities may play an important role in controlling the length and the duration of the faults. Key words: Apatite; Fission-track analysis; Thermal evolution history; Synsedimentary faults; South China Sea.
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90215 © 2015 Pacific Section AAPG Convention, Oxnard, California, May 3-6, 2015