Front End Integration (Authenticated Master Project)
The master Openworks database had been successfully completed in FDD's were the same concept and standard workflows required to be applied in the exploration group. The master database in Openworks (exploration) was initiated to eliminate the conventional data issues (missing data, wrong attributes, duplication/redundancy, incompleteness inconsistency, non-standards and mixed quality). The project initiated to apply the industry standards to the working data sets in a central repository that enables the end users to have all data through a single access. The master database had been implemented through standard workflows to achieve a clean, consistent, single object, standard, complete, centralized and authenticated database that follows the KOC naming conventions. These data and workflows were approved and authenticated by the focal seniors in the different assets. The master database was connected to Power Explorer (the integration Web Interface) as well as the other databases (e.g. Finder, e-Search, Log DB, Geoframe and Arc SDE) connected. Through a single access to Power Explorer, users can compare, export, view, and browse the data from these sources along with the master database in Openworks. It had been completed successfully in Sept., 2013. One of the main added values of the project is the user time reduction (by the time of data browsing, gathering and validation) that will enable them to increase the concentration on the interpretation and decision-making with the help of full spectrum data availability and authentication. Other added values like centralization and eliminating the data issues in addition to the standard workflows. The project was achieved successfully within the time lines where the achievements exceeded the expectations i.e. including several data categories, customization of views and tasks for exploration upon their demand and adding the authenticated/approved data sets of FDD to the master exploration project, where none of these three items were a part of the scope.
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90195 © 2014 Eastern Section Meeting, London, Ontario, Canada, September 27-30, 2014