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Exploration Theory and Technology of Buried Hills in Western South Turgay Basin


For increasing reserve and production, deep complex buried hills become realistic exploration fields in South Turgay Basin, which is a mature Mesozoic rift basin in central Kazakhstan. In the practice of the Karaganda block in the north basin, a set of petroleum exploration theory and technology has been concluded, and a batch of targets has been successfully drilled. Petroleum in buried hills has been becoming an important alternative of current reserve. In the aspect of theory, reservoir response model and hydrocarbon pool formation and distribution rules for buried hills are developed. In the aspect of technology, prediction methods of hydrocarbon-bearing pools in buried hills are proposed, aided by many advanced technologies, such as three dimensional seismic visualized interpretation, pre-stack and post-stack reservoir inversion, hydrocarbon fluid inspection and so on. these methods include tectonic characteristics and effective trap identification, reservoir heterogeneity characterization, advantageous reservoir areas prediction, and hydrocarbon fluid inspection. By applying the petroleum exploration theory and technology in buried hills, great breakthroughs are made in Karabulak-2 buried hill traps, West Karabulak drape anticline traps and stratigraphic overlap traps exploration. This is significantly important for the whole basin exploration in buried hills.