The New Perspective in Gravity and Magnetic Studies Using the Tilt Angle Methods: The Target Structure is Hazro Region in Southern Turkey
The tilt angle methods has been used to determine the boundries of target structures. As a result of this method, deep and shallow structures can be identified. Tilt angle is defined as the arc tangent value of the ratio of the vertical derivative of the potential field to its horizontal derivative. In this study the possitive tilt angle method (at +45°) which is drawn +1 contour on the map shows the target structure of the study area. However, the negative tilt angle method (at −45°) which is drawn −1 contour on the map indicates out of target structure. Zero contour is the vertical boundary of the structure. The half of the distance of the +/-45° (+/-1 contour) make a good approach to the depth of the target structure. This method was applied to Hazro region of Adiyaman in the Southern Turkey and the target formation is the Lower Cretaceous Mardin Formation in which an important reservoir and source rock interval exist. According to the results the approximate structural boundaries in this study area are estimated and the traps of the Mardin Formation are specified.
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90194 © 2014 International Conference & Exhibition, Istanbul, Turkey, September 14-17, 2014