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Stratigraphy, Architecture and Depositional Model of the Ponta do Mel Formation, Potiguar Basin – Brazil


The Potiguar basin is located on the equatorial northeastern coast of Brazil, covers an area of approximately 119.300 km2 (onshore + offshore) and has produced hydrocarbon for forty one years after the first oil field discovery (Ubarana Field – 1973). The carbonates of Ponta do Mel Formation, Late Albian age (drift stage), have never been an exploratory target in the basin. This present work is a contribution to the exploratory geologic knowledge of these albian carbonates. Eleven lithofacies were recognized and grouped in four associations of facies that were related to analyzed seismofacies. Seven stratigraphics surfaces were mapped: two lithostratigraphics, four unconformities and one transgressive surface. A carbonate platform, a distinct depositional sequence inside the Ponta do Mel Formation, was the focus of the present work. The depositional model for this sequence is a shallow rimmed carbonate platform. The main diagenetic events were the chemical and mechanical compaction, and the cementation, product of meteoric water in the system, that obliterates almost all of depositional porosity. Karstic features were recognized and mapped recording a pause in sedimentation and subaerial exposure.