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The Norwegian Storage Atlases


Three CO2 atlases have been prepared by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (2011–2013). One of the key objectives for this work have been to provide input to safe long term storage of CO2 and that this storage does not come in conflict with the many petroleum fields and the exploration for oil and gas offshore, on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS). 40 years of petroleum activity gives a unique collection of exploration and production data on the NCS. The authorities have access to all data on the NCS stipulated by law, and have a national responsibility for the data. The study area from south in the North Sea to north in the Barents sea is covering an area from 56° N to 73°N. Aquifers and structures are evaluated in terms of capacity and safe storage. Three case studies along the NCS will be presented. The North Sea is mature regarding exploration and production of hydrocarbons, and consequently will have more data available. Exploration drilling in the Norwegian Sea and the Barents Sea commenced in 1980. The Utsira Formation, in connection with the Skade Formation, is part of a large sandy deltaic complex in the North Sea. This large Miocene-Pliocene delta system covers both sides of the Norwegian/ U.K. border. To the south in this aquifer there are good results from the Sleipner field, injecting 1 Mt CO2 pr year since 1996 in the Utsira Formation. Reservoir modeling from the southern part of the Utsira/Skade aquifer gives a CO2 storage capacity of 16 Gt. In the Norwegian Sea, the CO2 storage potential is on the Trøndelag Platform, east of the petroleum province. The Jurassic aquifers in the southeastern part of the Norwegian Sea have a dip around 1–2° from the Norwegian coast to the basinal area. Based on simulation results, 400 Mt total can be stored in the Garn-Ile aquifer in the Froan basin. The Barents Sea is located in an intracratonic setting between the Norwegian mainland and Svalbard. The area investigated for CO2 storage is located in the southwestern part of the Barents Sea. The main target for CO2 storage is the Stø Formation, which has excellent reservoir properties, with a thickness of 130 meters in the well 7125/1–1. The storage capacity with respect to CO2 in the southern Bjarmeland platform aquifer is calculated to 176 Mtons.