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Kinetics of Oil Generation in Saline Basin: Case Study on the Source Rock of Tertiary in Qaidam Basin, China


Abstract: Pyrolysis of one source rock and kerogen isolated from the source rock, which was collected from the Tertiary in Zhahaquan Depression, Qaidam Basin, China, was performed in a confined system. The products were extracted in a Soxhlet apparatus with a ternary mixed solvent (MeOH: benzene: acetone, 2:1:1 v/v), the solvent was evaporated from the extracts and the extracts weighed. The kinetics for generation of crude oil from the source rock and kerogen were studied and the kinetic parameters applied to modeling generation from the Tertiary source rocks on the basis of burial and thermal history of the Zhahaquan Depression. The results of kinetic modeling show that the source rocks entered the “oil window” a little earlier than kerogen, however, it could be ignored in the geological time, which means that the catalytic role of the salts on the role of hydrocarbon generation control is weak. In addition, the elemental analysis data of kerogen show that the high sulfur content, which might be the main reason of immature-low mature oil generation in Tertiary salinization Qaidam Basin. Key words: pyrolysis; kinetics; source rocks; kerogen; Qaidam Basin