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Morondava Basin, Offshore Madagascar – New Long Offset Seismic Data Highlights the Petroleum Prospectivity of this Emerging Frontier Basin- an Update


The authors give an update to their 2013 AAPG and HGS/PESGB poster papers (*) on the Petroleum prospectivity of the Morondava Basin, Offshore Madagascar. This work is based on an analysis of approximately 13,000 line kms of long offset 2D seismic survey (plus gravity and magnetic data) acquired in the first half of 2013 in the offshore part of the Morondava Basin by BGP as a multi-client survey under the jurisdiction of the government authority OMNIS; and in preparation for a new International Bid Round. The 2013 papers presented initial observations on the hydrocarbon potential of the Basin; the nature of the Davie Ridge; the relationship between the Basin and its conjugate margin in Tanzania and the recent discoveries there and offshore Northern Mozambique. This update is based on further work on Pre Stack Time Migrated data and new work on Pre Stack Depth Migrated Data. Evidence from these datasets show large (20 × 80 km) sandbodies of both Tertiary and Cretaceous age; fluvial channels of Cretaceous age (similar to Ophir's Mlinzi prospects offshore Tanzania); Cretaceous (gas filled) patch reefs; gas escape structures with large regional seals; and horsts/grabens of Jurassic/Permo-Triassic age. Prospects occur in the coastal Platform area and at the foot of the slope; East of the Davie Ridge (ie onlap from the East); within the Ridge (Horsts & Grabens) and West of the Davie Ridge (Cretaceous onlap from the West; large basin floor fans and thrust faulting). The paper will be illustrated with numerous seismic examples. (*) 2013 papers referred to above: Morondava Basin, Offshore Madagascar – New Long Offset Seismic Data highlights the Petroleum Prospectivity of this Emerging Frontier Basin. Roberts, GF; Christoffersen, T and Weining, H. Poster presentation at the AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 2013 New Insights on the Prospectivity of the Morondava Basin, Offshore Madagascar, based on New Seismic Data. Roberts, GF; Christoffersen, T and Weining, H. Poster Presentation: PESGB/HGS Africa Conference, London, Sept 2013.