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Volcanogenic Sedimentary Facies Analysis through Integrated Conventional Core Data and Borehole Data Imaging in Meruap Field, Central Palembang Sub-basin, Jambi -Indonesia


Meruap block is situated in the north western margin of South Sumatra basin or Central Palembang sub-basin which is catgorized as a marginal basin or back-arc basin. The Central Palembang sub-basin also known as Palembang depression trends along NW-SE direction same as Sumatran Fault. Delta-shallow marine sediments of middle Miocene Air Benakat Formation (ABF) were deposited in the sub basin. The formation became known for its hydrocarbon reservoirs in this sub-basin since Huffco drilled in this field 1974. There is a wealth of data available from around 40 wells drilled in the field. The data includes conventional coring and wireline logging measurements such as conventional open hole logs and bore hole images. After several years of production, the field is experiencing production decline. In an effort to address the production decline issues, a re-evaluation of the data was started. The need was felt because of ambiguity in stratigraphic correlation possibly caused by inconsistency of gamma ray and resistivity values. As a part of reassessment, detailed core data analysis with advance techniques was done. The results suggested the presence of volcanogenic sediments in Meruap field against a clean sand and shale lithology, as previously thought. These new finding on reservoir matrix composition helped the team in acquiring log measurements that are better suited for addressing complex lithology reservoir. Also the earlier acquired borehole image data was integrated with conventional core and petrography data acquired in key wells to generate facies catalogue for Meruap field. A total of 14 facies were identified. A multiwall correlation was done on some wells to assess the continuity of a few stratigraphic zones. The findings are being analyzed to be used in future reservoir modelling. The case study highlights the significance of data integration and reassessment as a part of addressing the challenge of reservoir production decline.