Unconventional Potential of the Interior Basins of Turkey; Central Anatolia
The Tuzgölü Basin is composed of many sub-basins and depression areas. Those sub-basins are seperated from each other according to their sedimentation history and lithological differences (Fig-1). Although they are components of a large and unique basin system (Central Anatolian Basin), each of these sub-basins are named seperately according to their geographical locations such as Haymana, Tuzgolu and Eregli-Ulukisla Basin. The largest system is surrounded by Aladaglar to the SE, Nigde Massif to the east, Bolkar Mountains to the south. There are lots of potential unconventional reservoirs in the intreior basins of Central Anatolia, Turkey. The Tuzgolu Basin, largest one in the Central Anatolia has 3 different source rocks that indicate potential for the shale gas & oil: U. Cretaceous Haymana Formation's geochemical properties are in the range as follows: TOC values, 0.06–1,42, S2: 10–430, HI: 1–33. Its maturity degree is indicated by the Tmax: 431–477 °C (Illeez et al., 1993). This formation crops out around the Haymana and it consists of sandstone and shale alternations. Oil-filled channel-fills with 1–6 m thickness of turbidite lithology are observed around the Haymana region. Second potential unconventional formation is Paleocene to L. Eocene Karapinaryaylasi Fm. It is represented by relatively deep marine environment facies and generally composed of turbiditic sandstone-shale alternations. In some places, it contains olistostromes. The Karapinaryaylasi Formation indicates highest source rock parameters and unconventional potential in comparison with the others. Its thickness is about 1000 - 1500 m. All geochemical parameters are also observed in a wide variety depending on its depositional environments; TOC: 0.01 - 12.61%; S1+S2: 10 - 12020; Tmax: 239 – 544 °C (Illeez et al., 1991). Third potential unconventional formation is the Mio-Pliocene Cihanbeyli Fm (Katrandedetepe member) deposited in the lacustrine environment. This formation contains very good to excellent source rock potential bituminous shales.
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90194 © 2014 International Conference & Exhibition, Istanbul, Turkey, September 14-17, 2014