Successful Characterization Using Images in Real-Time Interpretation A Challenging Lateral Well from Ultra High Resolution Microscope* Measurement
PDO has utilized successfully the Ultra high resolution LWD resistivity images in well “X” (a heavily fractured and complex heterogeneous Carbonate formations) for fracture identification in real time to identify the fractures zones that contributed to the drilling mud losses and design completion to isolate those fractures zones and selecting a proper perforation zones away from the fractures. On the other hand, having different depths of investigation can help to analyses invasion, provide inputs for petrophysical formation evaluation and to differentiate between features that appears near wellbore deep in the formation. After drilling, Geological interpretation was performed utilizing memory data which has better sampling and data density. The interpretation included full structural borehole features identification such as (Structural dip computation by picking bed boundaries intersected while drilling), Detailed fractures characterization to identify type of fractures (Conductive, resistive), morphology and geometry of each fractures (continuous, discontinuous), fractures density and distribution along the logged interval. Minor Faults were also identified from the images. The Geological interpretation of the high resolution resistivity images revealed the presence of a few major conductive fractures that were possibly enhanced by drilling and a large number of partial discontinuous conductive and resistive fractures also seen. Using latest software Technology in the office while the job going in real-time, helped both petrotechnical and well placement engineers in better image and logs interpretation to visualize the data in 3D. Successful introduction of the Ultra high resolution LWD resistivity images in the right fit to purpose applications opened another door on solving reservoir issues and needs bearing in mind drilling environments becoming more challenging day after another.
AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90194 © 2014 International Conference & Exhibition, Istanbul, Turkey, September 14-17, 2014