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Old idea with new application in Kurdistan: correlation of the Triassic formations to the Alpine segment of Neo-Tethys

Ágoston Sasvári1, Laura Davies1, and Andrew Mann1

1Robertson, Llandudno, United Kingdom


The Khabour to top Kurra Chine section was described on the Southern limb of the Ora Anticline in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. During this work, correlation of Palaeozoic and Triassic formations of Northern Kurdistan were made with the Western Peri-Tethyian margin consisting of Northern Calcareous Alps, Southern Alps and Karavanka Mountains was undertaken (Figure 1). The reasons behind these correlations included the homogenous sedimentation observed during Triassic, the worldwide appearance of characteristic Triassic events resulting in deposition of similar formations and facies zones observed along the Peri-Tethyan margin. In this correlation, the authors used the similarities in lithologies (lithological composition, deposition environment, presence of cherts, breccia or conglomerate horizons, occurence of clastic inputs, vuggy dolomites and ooids), as well as macroscopic biostratigraphic data.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90188 ©GEO-2014, 11th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 March 2014, Manama, Bahrain