*Real Time Management of E&P Data using GIS for Bahrain Field Monitoring
N.K. Puripanda1, M.J. Sowayed1, K. Kumar1, V. Prasad1, and A. Alanaisi1
With rapid increase in the drilling and production activities in the Bahrain Field under a 20 year Master Development Plan, it is becoming a challenging task to organize data, manage systems and monitor the field. The Bahrain Field Monitoring group has to deal with huge data of Oil and Gas assets from geology, reservoir, production, transmission, marketing, exploration and environment. Also they have to work on different applications / systems to review the performance of the field.
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90188 ©GEO-2014, 11th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 March 2014, Manama, Bahrain