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Sources of Uncertainties in Mapping In-Situ Stress using Petrophysical Image Logs Data: A Case Study from Kuwait

S. Perumalla1, H. Singh1, R. Al Naeimi1, U. Prasad1, C. Barton1, A. Al Fares2, R. Husain2, R. Mulyono2, N. Al Ammar2, and A. Al Kandary2

1Baker Hughes


The current study combines the quality controls used for determination of Insitu stress orientation from various data sources (borehole images, acoustic anisotropy and multi-arm caliper data etc. over Cretaceous and Jurassic formations) from multiple wells across different fields in Kuwait and its application in relating stress anomalies for sweet spot identification during exploration and development planning. A novel and first of its kind approach was developed for quantification of uncertainty related to stress orientation.


AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90188 ©GEO-2014, 11th Middle East Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, 10-12 March 2014, Manama, Bahrain